Many Reasons to Celebrate!

Dear Beloved Friends,

Greetings once again from Kathmandu.  As the holiday season quickly approaches our preparations here are already under way.  This Christmas season promises to be a very special one for our community with the addition of so many new members among us this year! First it was baby Mukti, who came to us as a surprise.  You've all heard of the wonderful ways that God redeemed her life many many times even before she was born!  Even her name is the Nepali word for “redeemed.” We certainly have much to be thankful for as we are all watching her tiny little body grow stronger every day.  She is truly a miracle baby and is becoming a healthy, beautiful little girl.  Thank you all for your prayers!

Also joining our community this year is baby Christo!  Just last week, our Nepali staff members Jyoti and Shiva Bhattarai received a phone call from a local maternity hospital asking them to come in to check on a baby that had been abandoned there.  In Nepali culture many people are dissatisfied with only having daughters because to have a son means that someone will be responsible to care for the parents in their old age.  Because of this many baby girls are abandoned in hospitals throughout Nepal. Jyoti and Shiva themselves are the parents of 3 beautiful little girls, and for many years they themselves struggled with the thought of never having a son of their own. It was only recently that they had been able to fully release that burden over to God, and had let go of their desire to have a son.  Much to their surprise, when they arrived at the hospital last week they found that the baby who had been abandoned was not a little girl, it was a boy!! The Bhattarai's knew that this was the answer to their many years of praying for a son.  They brought the baby home from the hospital immediately (yes, the process of adopting a child is MUCH simpler here…haha) naming him Christo Bhandhab which means, “Friend of God.” Pray for Jyoti and Shiva as well as for their children Maryna, Pratiksha, Prasumsa and Christo as they adjust to life together!

And last but certainly not least, the director of our children's home, Gautam Rai got news several months ago of 2 little girls that had been abandoned in his own home village of Kotang. Gautam and his wife Rekha knew immediately that they wanted to welcome these little girls into their own family here at Karuna Ghar, so Gautam made plans to head out to the village to bring them home.  However, each time he made a plan, something seemed to stop him…. bad weather, flooding rivers, holidays… each time he made a plan to go, something came up.  Well now we've come to know that there are not only 2, but 3 little girls waiting for a home in Kotang, and Gautam will be leaving this week to bring them back home.  It will be a perfect time for them to enter into their new life in the city, as well as their new life with Jesus Christ – and just before Christmas!!  

Thank you all for your love and support of me, as well as all the ministry going on through Word Made Flesh in Nepal and around the world.  Just to let you know, we are still looking for a few more committed monthly supporters for our field.  If you are interested in making a financial donation you can use the envelope enclosed, or you can check out our donation options on our website at:  

God Bless each of you!
Love, Brook   –