April 2007 Prayer Letter

Dear Family and Friends, We wanted to update you on a few things since Adriana wrote last. The first quarter of this year has been full and exciting. In January and February we had the wonderful privilege of visiting the WMF staff both in Lima, Peru and El Alto, Bolivia. It truly is a blessing for us to work along friends who love Jesus so much and give their lives daily to his service among the poor. And equally encouraging is seeing how the Spirit of God is breathing life and freedom into lives and how light and hope are breaking into the dark places of this world. Thank you for your prayers during our travels. They hold us close to God and sustain us. Amani recently turned 3 months old and I have to say she is one happy and smiley baby! Not too mention unbelievably cute and easy going. Thankfully for the past 3 weeks Amani has begun to sleep through the night, to the joy and delight of her parents! Cora continues to lavish her love on her little sister and at times is very protective of her. Every morning when she comes down the stairs of her loft she very sweetly announces, “Good morning Amani.” Cora begun her second year of pre-school on March 5 and we are so encouraged by her love of school so far. She couldn't wait to return and see her friends and teacher. Every morning we walk to school together and I treasure the time that we get to spend talking about whatever comes across the mind of a 4 year old. Adriana's parents arrived in late March for a visit to meet Amani and spend time with family, relatives and friends. In December I shared a prayer request for a young couple that were expecting the birth of their first child in December. B & M (as I will call them) had a healthy baby girl and are really putting forth so much effort to care for her and continue to make life changes. It is exciting to see them slowly open up to the love and acceptance of the faith community we are a part and take part in different activities at church. Please continue to pray for these two young friends, their baby girl and for their lives to continue opening up to the love God wants to shower upon them. Pray for our other friends who make the street their home who continue to struggle with inner pain and rejection that keeps them from experiencing fullness of life. Thank you once again for the love and friendship you share with us. Your faithful prayers and sacrifices on our behalf really do encourage us and press us on to fulfill our calling. May the God of life fill you with hope and peace. Please take some time to pray through the following: ? Continue to pray for our friends B & M and their baby girl and opportunities for dignified work. ? Pray for a young man named J. He has been in a youth detention center and is very lonely and depressed. Pray that God would protect him, encourage him through us and that he would be challenged to begin making different life choices. ? Pray that we could find availability at a nearby retreat center for a spiritual retreat we'd like to organize next month with the youth we work among as well as the young adults at the church we attend. Pray that God would give us a wonderful retreat loving God and loving each other. ? Pray that God would continue to give us wisdom and guidance as we lead and pastor the leaders of the WMF communities in South America. Peace, Walter