February Prayer Letter


January 15, 2006


Greetings Sweet Family & Friends,


Day 1 in Lima has come and gone and, though I miss you all already, I feel such joy in being here.  The last month in Iowa, Chicago & Michigan was fantastic.  It was a blessing to be able to see and connect with many of you before leaving on the 12th.  Your support still overwhelms me every time I think about it.  God's graciousness is made so apparent in you.


Today in church the pastor spoke about Moses and his encounter with God in the burning bush.  Of course

my Spanish isn't quite that good yet so I spent some time reading over the scriptures that he was preaching on and tried to pick up whatever I could.  What a reminder!  I have made all the same excuses as Moses.  I am not eloquent, I don't have the abilities, maybe they won't believe, please can't you send someone else?  But our Lord has an answer to every doubt.  “I AM,” He says.  Its Me not you.  And I take a deep breath and relax into His strength.


A lot has changed here during the year I was in the states.  The community, the ministry, the youth.  The faces on the streets are unfamiliar and young.  It's a new chapter and a new adventure that I am extremely excited about, still I know it will take courage and a lot of adjusting.  So please be in prayer as we begin to move forward into the mysterious future.  That the Lord would be the center and the guide as the ministry and community grows and as I seek Him as to my place among it all.


Many of you have asked about monthly giving.  If you visit the website http://www.wordmadeflesh.com you will be able to find instructions for automatic monthly deposit if you are interested.  Otherwise, they will always send you a receipt of your giving and another support envelope.


This is a short one  just to touch base, missing you and loving you very much!

Monica N. Ghali                              “He must become greater, I must become less.”  John 3:30