April Prayer Letter

April 1, 2007

Dear Sweet Friends & Family,

Whew!  What a couple of months it has been since I last wrote you.  Our community has experienced many of life's joys and pains in the short time that has passed.  There never seems to be a dull moment around here, that's for sure.  At times it has felt as if we are walking through a proverbial desert.  Still, even as we walk through the desert, we have been comforted by our Lord who has called his people to worship Him in the desert and have been able to see His faithfulness and His mercies that are new every morning.  I've found that trusting is the thing, and the manna is for savoring.  We often stop during any given day and find ourselves pointing out “the manna” to each other; a smile from a friend, a phone call from home, a good conversation, a meeting that started on time, or, even better, a meeting that ended on time ☺.  It's the small but beautiful blessings that we are learning to see.

One of the things that has been especially trying for our community is the loss of two of our Peruvian staff members.  About a month ago, our dear friends who have become like family, the Cabrera's were given the opportunity to move to Israel.  Together with the Cabrera family, (Samuel and Esther and their 3 kids) we have been living in community for four years.  Their youngest daughter Patty was offered a scholarship to study in a university in Israel.  Because of Esther's family background, both she and Samuel were invited to go along with Patty (before her 18th birthday), which was within a few weeks.  This came to as a very huge surprise to us and it was with much sadness that we said goodbye to our friends in the airport on the 6th of February.  We also rejoice with them because as they have longed to give their children their hearts desire, this opportunity was one that would give that to Patty.  And this brings joy to Samuel and Esther.  In this, we rejoice for the family and are thankful for the Lord's provision.  


For each of us, Samuel and Esther have meant different things in our lives and impacted us in different ways.  For some of us, they have been like Aunt and Uncle, for others, like a Father and Mother, and for many they have been a constant solid spiritual foundation in their lives.  We are all grieving their departure not only in a personal way be in a work way as well.  There were many plans for 2007 that were being made that included the leadership of both Samuel and Esther.  With their departure, we are finding ourselves in a new and different place; in a place that we never really would have imagined.  So, we pray.  And sometimes we find it hard to pray and understand God's ways.  And often, we don't, and that is ok.  So, please pray.  Pray for us.  Pray that we would continue to hope and be encouraged and excited about what the Lord is doing here in Lima.  It truly is amazing, but when you live it day in and day out, sometimes it is hard to see.  Please be in prayer for us as we continue to adjust and grow.

I would be remiss to talk of desert things without sharing the manna things as well.  After all, there is no separating them, you can't very well have one without the other.

Often times the manna appears in the most unexpected places, right there under my nose.  A few weeks ago, on a day that I was feeling very alone and even forgotten, it appeared in the form of my 13 year old friend, Walt.  I walked him to the corner to buy a bandaid and on our way back to the soccer field he stopped to buy himself some juice and a bag of chips.  When he came back he had two of each plus a bottle of yogurt.  The extra bag of chips & juice were for me and the yogurt was for a friend's baby.  The little money that he had he spent on others.  The best part is that it was just so natural for him, when I said thank you he seemed surprised.  I thought it was so sweet of him to think of his friend and me when spending the little money he earns each day playing music on the buses but to him it was just the good thing to do.  I was so humbled and blessed by his simplicity and generosity in the midst of his life on the streets.

Sometimes manna comes in the form of growth in ministry.  I tell you with joy that there are 26 young boys and girls who will be studying this year thanks to the generosity of supporters, our “back to school” program, and the grace of God.  Over the last week we have seen so many of our friends, who used to be on the streets, taking responsibility for the futures of their children by presenting their needs and allowing us to help and encourage them.  I have seen hope being born in a new way for these struggling families and I can't help but smile.

And then, every now and again, manna comes in the most shocking, amazing, unexpected forms.  For us it was the news that the ProVision Foundation read our proposal and decided to donate the rest of the money that we needed to raise for a new Ministry Center.  They added $125,000 to the $40.000 we had already raised.  As the news spread from staff member to staff member there were tears and screams and laughter and awed whispers as we all fell to our knees and praised the Lord for His faithfulness to the children of this city.  

I could go on and on.  The Israelites could not have made it through the desert without the manna and the pains we experience living life alongside our suffering friends are only bearable in the shadow of the cross of Christ. 

Thank you for your prayers.  Please continue to pray with us.  Prayers of joy and gratitude for the manna God has given & continues to give, prayers of hope born where before it was never known, and prayers against doubt, fear and confusion that often creep in to our lives & our friends' lives when least expected.

Specifically, we ask for your prayers as we begin to define the vision and search for a place that the ministry can call home.  Now that we have the money it is a matter of seeking and waiting on the Lord as he guides and challenges and shapes this new part of our journey together with our friends here.  Also, we are now receiving Servant Team applications for the fall.  Please pray for wisdom & discernment as the teams are formed.

My heart is full with love for all of you and I am more than excited to be able to connect in June & July when I am back in the states.

In His Peace,
Monica N. Ghali

344 America 3er Piso
Pueblo Libre
Lima 21,  PERU
