September Prayer Letter

September 1, 2008

Amigos! Familia! Greetings from Lima, Peru!

I write to you today full with things to be thankful for and also with ways in which you can join us in prayer. There's never really a dull moment around here with the ministry center under construction, our young friends going through puberty, and constantly learning more about what it means to live in another country. One of my favorite moments from the last month was having lunch with two of the younger boys (14 and 16 years old). Something led the conversation to the subject of adolescence and their growing and changing selves. Sebastian was explaining to them that they were probably already noticing lots of emotional changes and changes with their bodies, like growing more hair. "oh YES!" exclaimed one of the boys "I have hair all over my arms now and I was wondering about that!" We all had a good laugh but I was also quite moved by the simplicity of that shared moment and what it means to walk alongside of our young friends who are all but teaching themselves the ways of the world, if you will. Some of the most profound moments have been those around the table learning to use utensils, against a brick wall talking about growing pains, or being there to field questions about the ins and outs of daily life.

I could babble on forever and so I resort to the list format this time around to spare you the possible run-on sentences :).

I am so thankful for…

-My local church. The messages have been encouraging and life-giving and I feel embraced by the family there.

-Great visitors – former servant team members and new friends alike

-Deepening relationships with the youth and especially the young girls who are struggling to leave the streets.

-Laughter-and lots of it-late nights with other staff members & volunteers shooting the breeze, funny conversations with the youth, my Spanish, the youth laughing at my attempts to get them pumped up and especially when a "woo hoo!" slips out.

-I have plans to hike some of the Inka Trail as part of my vacation this year (this is also a prayer request as I don't think I quite know what I've gotten myself into)

-Healthy rhythms-I've been running regularly with Rachel and trying to create waking/sleeping, eating, and devotional habits that help me feel more energized and its been a challenge but a gift as well.

-Spending time with Natalia & Isa Langley, I love being their "real aunt"-the fun never stops especially now that Isa is a sassy 8-kid with lots to ask & share, not to mention that she can totally crack me up. Tali is as chatty& active as ever. She's taken to calling me "Taki" and I am putty in her hands when she yells out "HI TAKI".

Join me in prayer for…

-My decision making process-for God's peace and guidance as I look to the future

– I mentioned on my blog about our friend, Italo, who was hit by a bus. He continues to be in a coma in intensive care. They do not allow any visitors except for family so we haven't even been able to visit. Please pray for him and his family.

-For a young couple who we are very close with is expecting a daughter in October. They are still on the streets but we see in them a desire to move away from that environment and make good decisions for themselves and their child.

-Progress on the ministry center-renovations are going on at the moment and we are still raising money to cover all of our costs in this process.

-We are hosting the WMF Regional Retreat in October-pray for preparations, travels, and our time together with the staff from Bolivia, Argentina & Brazil.

-Prayers for us as a community as we work and live together in this environment are always welcome. We are constantly looking to grow in our communication, love and grace with each other.

-Its wintry and gray here-we miss the sun. It sounds silly but its true, it can have quite an effect 🙂

-Speaking of missing things-I've been missing you all quite a bit lately. Its hard to feel far away from family and friends and all that is happening in your lives. Pray for my heart and creative ways for us to stay connected over the distance :).

I feel so much love in my heart for you all and it is a joy and pleasure to write and share some of things that are going on this side of the equator. Thank you for walking with me in all this.

may peace & grace go with you, monica n. ghali

So you are aware-we will be selling Christmas Cards again this year and we have heard your requests to make them available earlier. We hope to have our first shipment to the states by September! If you are interested in buying cards or being a contact person to sell cards in your church/area, let me know through email and we will make that happen!