
Dear Friends,

It was recently brought to my attention that I consistently begin my letters to you with a short discussion of the weather, a topic I consider somewhat mundane. And to add to that, I was also notified that my dear brother hates chit chat about the weather. So I apologize, but don't promise to never do it again. More than the temperature and the relative comfort/discomfort produced by it, I think what I am fascinated by is this: the changing of seasons and the accompanying symbols of the passage of time.

As I settle into life in Omaha, I am acutely aware that some time has passed and after seventeen years of schooling…I finished (for now). Currently, I am intent of finding new rhythms, healthy patterns for a different season. I'm not accustomed to carrying the sole responsibility of feeding myself three times a day; I eat lots of peanut butter and jelly. It's strange to work for eight hours each day and then leave work at the office; I don't regret the lack of 11 o'clock pm meetings in the Student Union. I love constructing my own reading lists. I miss my friends.

I enjoy my job and the Word Made Flesh community in Omaha. In August, it was my responsibility to send twenty-one Servant Team Members to four countries. When I pray, I love to go with them in my imagination to the streets in Lima or hang out with the girls in Kolkata. In July, at the staff retreat I had the privilege of spending a little over a week with all of the North American staff members. I anticipate that those precious days of face time will sustain us for the next while which will consist of email communication and quick phone calls. I feel like I really got a sense of the international community with all its struggles, hopes and triumphs; I am so grateful for those minutes, hours and days.

I am also spending a portion of my time coordinating Beggars Society, a monthly advocacy meeting for those seeking God's heart for the poor. I am excited about the possibilities for this sweet time we spend together. You can listen in on Beggars Society on the web:

In other news, I am anticipating a field visit to Sierra Leone this spring. I am thrilled at the thought of being on a Word Made Flesh field in Africa! I look forward to a time of learning and exchanging ideas with our friends living in Sierra Leone.

I appreciate your continued love, prayers and support as I learn how to live in this new season and adjust to the changing weather. The maintenance men will be removing our window air-conditioning unit next week. I look forward to open windows and the cool breeze of autumn.

With So Much Love and Hopes for Peace,

Marcia M. Ghali