A Litany for the Brokenness of Hunger

Fast Day Prayer for August 1, 2009.


God, you have set us free

Not free to do what we please

But free to love you with our whole heart gladly

Free to love our neighbors as we do ourselves.

God, we need to know your freedom

Free us from our selfishness

Free us from our indifference to the plight of the poor

Free us to love and serve you with all our being.

God, we want to live in your freedom

Free us to show compassion to all who are cast by the wayside

Free us to share generously so that others will not hunger or lack provision

Free us to live in love and mutual care.

God, you call us to freedom

Freedom to love you with our hearts and souls and minds

Freedom to love our neighbors as ourselves

God, may we enter the freedom of your kingdom today.


Pause to offer up your own prayers for those who face hunger around the world


Let God’s compassion bloom in us

Let God’s righteousness bear fruit

Let God’s generosity be harvested

May God’s life be born afresh in us

May God’s light shine in hidden places

May God’s love take root and grow



Excerpt from “A Litany for the Brokenness of Hunger”

Taken from A Journey Into Wholeness (Lenten Guide 2009) by Christine Sine
