A Place for Mary and Joseph: Year End Appeal

A Place for Mary and Joseph

Last Christmas, staff from the Word Made Flesh children’s home in Chennai, India, found a young brother and sister living on a train platform. They had lost their home in a slum fire, and now they were left begging, neglected and slowly starving to death. Once safe in the WMF home, they were so undernourished that even the introduction of routine meals made them sick.

The little boy is named Joseph, and his younger sister is named Mary. A mere two weeks before Christmas, the arrival of our young Mary and Joseph presented us with an opportunity to practice hospitality—the kind of hospitality that seeks to recognize the disguise of Christ in the vulnerable and poor.

This year, WMF’s work among the most vulnerable is more relevant than ever. Times of economic recession most affect our friends who are poor. Those already hungry now risk starvation; those without reliable incomes have lost their homes; and those who beg on the streets must work more for less.

Yet, we still learn true hospitality from those who have little. In slums, brothels and favelas, our community has eaten generous meals, received thoughtful gifts and shared genuine love. We are grateful.

Today we are also grateful to you for the ways that you have taught us about generous hospitality. Our needs as a global community are great, and so are you. In 2009 you gave our community more than 1.5 million dollars, and lives were changed.

This holiday season, as you remember the story of Mary and Joseph, consider giving toward the work of WMF. Allow your gift to be an answer to someone’s prayer.

On behalf of the entire WMF community,
Chris Heuertz