Moldova Staff

Rachel (Simons) Dyachenko

Advocacy Coordinator

Rachel is our Director of Advocacy for La VIA. Rachel learned about Word Made Flesh as a college student, and served in Romania until 2010.  She worked together with a team of five to form Word Made Flesh Moldova, locally registered as Asociatia Obsteasca La VIA.

Rachel is grateful for two decades of service in community and is dedicated to the formation of new staff as well as sharing the La VIA story with everyone. Her favorite activities include meals together, board games and singing worship songs to Jesus.


Vitalie Dyachenko

Administrator Director

Vitalie is our Director of Administration at La VIA. Vitalie was born in Ukraine. He studied French and Romanian language and literature then became a middle school teacher in the village of his birth.

In 2012 Vitalie moved to Moldova to work with WMF and discover God’s plan for his life. He married in 2013 and became a father to one beautiful daughter in 2017.  While watching his daughter grow he realizes that God also watches him with wonder as he grows.

In his free time Vitalie enjoys playing with his daughter, reading and rediscovering Russian literature. He likes to watch movies and also tries to keep up with current affairs in Ukraine, while praying for “a hope and future” for his country.


Krystal Born

Short-Term Program Coordinator

God placed in Krystal’s heart, at a young age, a love for people and culture. She knew she wanted to help in the global mission but didn’t really feel the call until 2016. God called her to Asbury, after several years being out of school. At Asbury, she received her intercultural degree and became acquainted with WMF. God has given her great compassion for those who are most vulnerable; those who are often on the outskirts of society. And also a great love for children.

When she was told about Moldova, she knew instantly that was where she was supposed to go because in the summer of 2018, God had laid Eastern Europe on her heart. She joined La VIA in January 2022, joining God in his mission in Moldova, being with children and their families, helping in showing God’s great love!


Ecaterina Saga

Program Coordinator

Meet Ecaterina (Kate) who has been serving at La VIA since April 2023 and is Programs Coordinator. Having experienced a time in her life as a single mother with two small children, she desires to serve other families going through hard times. Today she is blessed with a husband and two pre-teens.

Ecaterina loves to eat, organize games and enjoy life to the max. Her experience includes the roles of music teacher, children’s entertainer and church worship leader. She discovered her leadership gifts as a Children’s Program Director at a local fitness center and is using her experience to organize La VIA’s daily activities.

Children's Program Coordinator


Maya Diacenco


Maya has been a La VIA educator for grades 1-4, and in 2024 she began serving as Administrative Director. Maya comes to La VIA with many years of experience working with children. She has been surrounded by children for as long as she can remember and finds love, joy and healing in working with children.

Maya has been a periodic volunteer at La VIA since 2014, especially during school vacations. She believes that working with children is her calling from God. Through her own life experience, she has a deep understanding for the challenges faced by children affected by poverty. Maya loves to read books and listen to music, to grow flowers and spend time in nature.