Advent Reflection: Hilary Wilken

I love the Advent candles.

I remember the Advent candle holder that my grandma used to have sitting on the mantel. The candles were about the size and shape of baseballs. They were coated in paint of the designated colors—three purple candles, one pick one and another white one.

They were beautiful lit or unlit. I loved rearrange them, of course when they were not lit. I would place the purple where the rose was and the white where the purple was. The candles seemed so approachable, so moveable, so non-threatening. As a young girl, I didn’t know the symbolism behind the Advent wreath and candles: I didn’t know the meaning of the colors and I didn’t have the scriptures for the weeks memorized but the candles did make me so happy!

I see more than beautiful colored candles now. I’ve learned what the represent and the lighting of them has become mediation for me.





Christ is present

Moving into the fourth week of Advent, I encourage you to think of Love. Imagine the love that God offers, the love that Christ brings. Light your fourth candle and let God’s love fill your heart, mind, spirit and body. Let God’s love be motivation.

Merry Christmas!