Andrew Ulasic – Jun. 1, 2008

Dear Friends,

While biking home from language class the other day, I was listening to Donald Miller speak about story. He talked about our lives as stories that we are writing, and suggested that the best stories, like in books or movies, include a protagonist who risks losing her/his life. In the best stories, there is significant conflict and a laying down of one’s life. They are not about, as Miller asserts, a relentless pursuit of a Volvo. Of course, Volvos aren’t bad, but you wouldn’t make a movie about that. Nor would you be interested in a movie that was about living with as much security and comfort as we can provide for ourselves.

I think that God is writing a story for our lives, and it isn’t about getting as comfortable as we can. It’s about following Jesus to the cross and laying down our lives. But the choices we make define the stories of our lives, and determine whether we will follow God’s story line. The choice can be as big as what you will give your life to (Volvos or the Kingdom of God), or as small (yet still significant) as how you treat your wife, speak to your husband or care for your children. These choices are a part of our stories and they will remain in our stories and affect the stories of those around us.

I am now three months into my time in Nepal, and I feel as if the story for my life, and specifically for the next three years is slowly taking shape. The steps I take, the choices I make are leading me forward and building the setting in which this story will take place – into the conflict, and hopefully the resolution that will occur as I progress in my story.

I know, I’m all about thoughts and ideas. So, what does this look like? It looks like learning the Nepali language as I commit to relationship with Nepalis, speaking to them in their heart language. It looks like spending time with Nepali friends, eating meals and building relationships. It looks like sitting with the girls at Karuna Ghar and the women of Prem Ghar. These are the foundations that I am building upon. They are a part of my story and they are setting up the climax to come.

There is another way that I see my story taking shape. Besides the relationships that we enter into here in Nepal, I will also be gradually taking on a community support role, specifically joining my friend Brook as a field advocate. This means many things, but includes researching, studying and writing on behalf of my friends. It means amplifying the voices of the poor and oppressed, the marginalized and enslaved, and connecting them and their stories with the Church (including many of you). This role will also (I pray) include local advocacy, which essentially requires building relationships with other local organizations and the local church. Our hope is to encourage the local church to respond to poverty and injustice, and to seek God’s restoration amidst the darkness that is all around us.

So pray for us, and the stories that are taking shape. Pray for those foundations of language and relationships, as I learn to take things slow and trust in God. And pray for the new roles and initiatives I am stepping into, that they would be developed in the context of relationship, and remain under God’s vision for our community here in Nepal. And send me an email, letting me know how your story is being developed, and how I can pray for you too.

Thank you for being a part of my story, and allowing me to be a part of yours. I pray that we can help each other live really good stories as we follow the story line God has written for us.

peace to you,