April 2001


  • Andy’s mother has finished her chemo-therapy and radiation for breast cancer and is doing great!
  • We continue to receive overwhelming support from family and friends. We have felt so blessed, humbled and challenged by your generosity. Thank you for confirming our call.
  • We recently attended an urban ministries conference in Chicago. We gained lots of practical insights for national and inter-national ministry in the city.  
  • God has continued to strengthen and bless our relationships with the youth at church.
  • The church has hired a young couple to work as the new Youth Pastors. They are perfect! We are so grateful for the Lord’s provision, faithfulness and final confirmation.

Please Pray…

  • For peace and strength as we face the reality of leaving our home, family and friends.
  • For the protection of our marriage and the strengthening of our relationship.
  • About the many “business” details that need to be finalized before we leave.

Tentative Schedule

  • June 2001 We are commissioned for service in Bolivia with Word Made Flesh.
  • July – December 2001 We attend the Maryknoll Spanish Language Institute in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
  • December 2001 We return to the U.S. for a short visit with family and friends.
  • January 2002 We travel to Atlanta, GA for the bi-annual Word Made Flesh staff retreat.  Then we’ll return to Bolivia to begin our 2 year contract in La Paz. Here we’ll start building relationships with neighbors and street children in the community of El Alto. We’ll also continue learning the language and culture, while researching the physical and spiritual needs of the city.
  • August 2002 We lead our first of three Servant Teams, small groups of college students who visit for 4-month internships.