April 2004





Dear friends and family,

It seems like a while since I've had time to sit down and share my thoughts with you who are praying and supporting me as I serve in Romania. Everything has become a whirlwind of activity since the Servant Team came on Feb. 2. In addition, my computer died (and has yet to be resurrected), so I have been limited in terms of communication. Let me share a little about what I've been up to in the last few months and how you can continue to pray.

Like I said, my first Servant Team arrived on Feb. 2 and has been keeping me very busy. All three girls, Gwen, Bethany and April, seem to have adjusted well, are learning the language and helping out a lot at the drop-in center, boys' home and also a home for mentally handicapped children. Aside from their involvement with the children and language study, we also meet every day for either a book discussion, time of prayer, or community dinner. At the very beginning of this month of April, we'll be traveling to Budapest, Hungary for several days in order to get their visas renewed. I'm thankful for my Romanian friend and co-staff, Vali, who will be coming along with us to help us get around since she's been to Budapest several times before. Please pray for our safety in travel and a good time of rest for us as we do some site seeing and just enjoy taking a break from our daily routine.

Immediately after we get back, (April 5-9) we'll be joining the rest of the staff for a retreat in the mountains. This will be the most staff we've ever had at a retreat, probably over thirty if everyone comes! Pray that God will use this time to increase our vision and bond us together in the work the Lord has called us to. After the retreat is Easter, and immediately after Easter my parents come for a two-week visit (April 13-26). I'm so excited to see them again and to introduce them to my Romanian family(ies) and friends. I know that they are anticipating much from their time here as well. Pray that this will be a special time for both my parents and I as they get to see and experience all that has become so much a part of me over the last two years.

As you can see, the month of April is VERY FULL with traveling, retreats and visitors (and my 24 th birthday on the 11 th J ). That means you may not hear from me next month because I don't know when I'll have time to borrow a computer again to write a letter for May. In any case, I'll be home in June to share with everyone in person, a trip I'm very much looking forward to since it's been a whole year since I was last home.

A few more prayer requests:

•  Joel and Monica Klepac who oversee the boys' home , have received three street boys since December. However, each boy has chosen to return to the streets after a short period of time in this home environment. The reasons for their leaving are complex and have to do with street addiction and the struggle to leave a familiar life for a better, but yet very different life in a loving home. We have rejoiced and grieved together over each welcoming and departure of Iulian, Boss and Viorel and are praying for God's continued guidance and wisdom with them and other boys who desire to move into the home. Joel has begun more counseling with the boys and we have raised the bar of expectations at the drop-in center concerning discipline, timeliness, and respect. Pray that our increased expectations from the street boys will urge them toward positive life-change, reintegration in their families or the chance to gain a new family at the Klepacs' home. Pray that God will work in such a way as to miraculously transform their lives.

•  Since the beginning of this year, we have accepted twelve new “at-risk children” to come to the Center for tutoring and help with homework. These are younger children who are either enrolled in school or will be next year and who's family situations put them at risk of discontinuing school and ending up on the streets. Vali (drop-in center coordinator) and I have been responsible for maintaining contact and working with the families of all the children. This involves regular family visits and occasional parent meetings. Please pray for us as we work with very dysfunctional, negligent and sometimes abusive parents. It can be frustrating and is often heart-breaking for me to see the circumstances to which the children go home. Pray that our growing relationship with the families of these children will draw both the children and their families towards Christ and towards healing.

In closing, I just want to apologize that this letter is sort-of like a grocery list. There's so much on my plate right now that I haven't had lots of time for reflection…most of my days have been a grocery list of things to do. Tomorrow I'm taking off to a city called Iasi for a three-day weekend of solitude — something that is sure to be refreshing.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. Your prayers and encouragement mean so much to us all. May you have a blessed Easter.

With love,


Rachel Simons

OP 6 CP 256

Galati, 800.760

