Dear Friends and Family,
I had the chance this past month to spend ten days in Kathmandu, Nepal at the Word Made Flesh International Field Forum. It was a multicultural gathering of staff members from five continents committed to talking about the theology and praxis of international partnership. We were discussing, in essence, how we as an international community can begin to share resources, experiences, methodology and policy by coming together to a round table in mutual submission and trust. Although I quickly realized that such a goal is much harder to obtain than I would like to believe in my idealistic mind, I was encouraged by the openness and honesty shared by our community. We have made the important first step of initiating these types of conversations which will continue into the years to come.
The highlight of my time in Nepal was a devotion given by Anna, one of the WMF Peruvian staff, whose encouraging words reminded us that this dream of partnership is attainable. As she spoke, I thought about Ephesians 2, which talks about how we have been reconciled both to God and to each other through the cross of Christ. Verse 15 (TNIV) says, “His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity…, thus making peace….” As I listened to Anna’s Spanish words being translated into English and then the buzz of more translation into a number of other languages, I was so aware of this new humanity, this big family, of which I am a member. My prayer is that we would continue in this way, “having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose” (Philippians 2:2, TNIV).
Another thing I took from the Field Forum is the reminder that I am serving in an international movement that currently exists in five continents and twelve countries around the world. In India, Thailand, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Romania, Moldova, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Canada and the United States, Word Made Flesh is serving among the most vulnerable of the world’s poor. It was a blessing for me to hear stories of women in Kolkata, India who are finding freedom from sexual slavery and of children in Sierra Leone who are finding hope after years of civil war. I also feel like I was able to learn so much from conversations I had with people who have been a part of WMF a lot longer than I have. There was much wisdom shared with me regarding all that comes with starting and leading a new field.
Speaking of a new field, our two-week trip to Moldova with the servant team is just a week away (I write this on March 15). We will be arriving in Moldova on Monday, March 23 to spend two weeks volunteering with an organization called Hristos pentru Moldova (Christ for Moldova). This organization has a facility just outside of the capital city Chişinău where ten families have opened up foster homes for about 100 children who have been abandoned or orphaned in Moldova. We will be staying with these families and helping on the construction of a school for the children right on their property. We will also be leading an English club and other activities for the kids during the two weeks we are there. Another focus of Hristos pentru Moldova is a ministry for people living on the streets of Chişinău with whom we will also be spending a good amount of time. Even though we have planned quite a few activities for our two-week stay, my main hope and prayer for the servant team is that they would be exposed to the heart of God for the poor in Moldova. We will be studying Henri Nouwen’s book Compassion while we are there, so I am looking forward to some good discussions as the servant team wrestles through all that they are experiencing.
Thank you all for your continued interest in and support of all that is happening at Word Made Flesh. May you rejoice today in the unity we have in Christ.
Grace and peace,
John Koon | OP6 CP256; Galati, 800.760; Romania | 614.364.4098 |
1) Pray for the four new children who are now coming daily to the Valley House. Two of them are in first grade and the other two in second grade. It has been a joy for me to spend time with them every day, but it is also easy for me to be overwhelmed by the pressure I put on myself to help them catch up to where they need to be in school. Pray that April, Lenuţa and I might have wisdom in the way in which we spend time with them and that their minds might be open as they continue to learn and grow. Pray that I might also be able to place them fully into God’s hands.
2) Continue to pray for WMF Moldova. Ask that the seed of fruitful relationships would be planted during our two-week trip and that God would continue to guide us through this stage of prayer and planning.
3) See our new website,, and read about some other WMF communities around the globe. Remember that country prayer requests are updated regularly on the website.