April 2009 Prayer Letter

April 2009


Dear Friends,


As I have written so often in the past, the timing of this letter is a bit strange.  By the time you receive this, Ana and I will already be married and off in another part of Romania for our honeymoon.  However, as I write today we are in the final (busy!) stages of our wedding planning.  Needless to say, this letter will be short.  In fact, I'm going to try to set a new personal record for letter shortness…


Other than Ana and me getting off to a good start in our married life, a major prayer request for this month is our upcoming regional retreat.  April 21st to the 28th most of the workers and volunteers from our community here in Galati will head for the mountains of central Romania along a handful of folks from WMF-Sierra Leone.  Our hope is to have a wonderful time together filled with relationship, contemplation, worship, celebration, and so forth.  Please keep us in your prayers.


Finally, I should mention that Word Made Flesh just got a new logo and a new look.  I understand this letter will be sent out with the new letterhead, so you should have a great example of what I'm talking about right here in your hands.  You'll also notice some big changes with the look of the upcoming issue of The Cry (in which I have an article, by the way).  I think you're really going to love it.  I've seen a preview copy and it looks amazing.


Until next month, do well…




