April Folkertsma – Aug. 1, 2008

Dear Friends and Family:

Since I received such a great response to my last ‘favorites of Romania’ letter, I thought I’d continue in that vein as I had more to add to the list last moth, but not enough room.

1.      Pickles are served with a variety of foods, including peas and chicken, which we just ate for lunch. I never would have imagined the combination, but, it tastes great.

2.      Coffee works. Probably 12 years ago Jim Scheer said to me: maybe you should try coffee. I’d been complaining about being tired. Well, I’ve been having a cup o joe every morning and it’s great. I of course put in lots of cream and sugar, but I did that with my tea, too.

3.      Finetti…this chocolate creamy yumminess that is much like Nutella, but better. Spread it on bread, cakes, fruit, whatever.

4.      Are you noticing a food theme here?

5.      I love brown eyes. Most of our kids have them, and they often make me melt…little ragamuffins that they are.

6.      I love my housemom. She was gone this weekend and I missed her. As she said about me: I’ve gotten used to having you around. Well, the reverse is true also.

7.      The old people who stop to talk to me on the street or on a bus. I don’t know what they are saying and wish that I had a special language dispensation just for the moment when they come up to me. Today a lady stopped me and chatted away. I didn’t have the heart to say I didn’t understand, but smiled, laughed at what seemed to be an opportune time, said: hmmm, and when she was done, we both chuckled and walked away.

8.      While I am, shall we say, athletically challenged, I can hold my own in a bout of badmitton volley with the kids. It’s true. They’ll want to change rackets with me, or where we’re standing because they think this will improve their game. I think they’ve become accustomed to the idea that I cannot play sports and so are surprised by my adeptness with a birdie.

9. A girl who comes to the center loves to sing, especially American songs. She’s a pretty flamboyant personality. Anyway, the other day she began to sing Celine Dion’s ‘My Heart Will Go On’ from Titanic and she began it: Every night in my trees…I had to laugh. I know I make much worst blunders in my language learning, but it was still funny. I laugh at myself, too, when I make mistakes.

And that’s about it…for now. You can expect further favorite updates in the future. J

This month I begin intensive language lessons. Please pray that good progress will be made. In September I’ll resume normal lessons here at the center. Also, this month I move into an apartment with Rachel, another woman on staff. As much as I love my housemom, I’m looking forward to the change. The apartment is near the center in a pretty part of town. Finally, since I write this letter in the middle of July I’ll fill you in on my plans for the end of this month. Our center is closing for 2 weeks as many businesses do in this neck of the woods. So, I’m taking the opportunity to go to Budapest. Jennifer Opean, a friend since childhood and a long-time missionary to the city, arranged a place for me to stay. I’m especially looking forward to attending the Calvary Chapel there and having the opportunity to worship in English, something I haven’t done in 4 months!

Yep, that’s right. I’m closing in on almost 5 months of living in Romania. I’m always humbled and grateful for your prayers, encouragement, and support. I would love to know if there are any ways in which I can be holding you in prayer. As a team we often pray for our supporters, but I also would just like to be able to pray for you on my own knowing that we are in community, no matter how much distance separates us.

I’d ask that you’d be praying for:  Language learning, developing a play therapy program here at the center, summer camp with the kids in September, continued leading regarding opening a WMF field in Moldova (we go on another ‘scouting and prayer’ trip in September), a brother and sister who are faced with some intense decisions regarding their futures, and the families who are living in front of our center and on the street (please see my blog for more info on this…it was a post titled Afara written in June). 




O.P. 6 C.P. 256

Galati, Romania


