April Prayer Letter


It has been a full week after Daylight Savings time and I am still having difficulty adjusting! There is more to this inability to have my internal schedule modified than I care to believe but I must not deny the coming of change happening all around me.  So, I will just go ahead and share it with you all.

During this Lent Season, I decided to commit to preparing one meal/week, singlehandedly. This might seem like an effortless commitment but considering my contentment to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches it has been quite the undertaking! I want this to be a lifestyle change for me.

My best friend/current housemate Mandy and I are moving! We found an adorable townhouse in midtown that is going to be great and we are both very excited about the move. It will be a good change for me/us and I am looking forward to making the new place our home.

I have been in a process of rethinking the ways I know God and how I communicate with God. I know it will forever change my relationship with God, who I see myself as, and the ways in which I live. I am learning. I look forward to sharing more developed thoughts and reflections with you in time.

Change is good but it is also difficult. 

What is currently changing for/around you? How do you experience change? Have you learned how to make positive changes?  I would love to hear your feedback on all things relating to change if you would like to share your thoughts/stories.  I know I can learn from others’ wisdom and experience.



5106 mason street omaha ne 68106

[A support account update follows; I encourage you to continue reading!] 

To bring home $1500/month (which is what I currently budget for) I need to raise $2600/month. I know the $1100 variance might seem a bit extreme but it reflects a 13% withdrawal, federal/state taxes, support-raising expenses, health insurance, personal development expenses, travel expenses, and annual retreat costs. A staff member must have raised 3 months salary before beginning his/her time of service; for me that means I need to have $7600 in my account. My last account report showed $4800, which is incredible! Something even more exciting to mention, my support/month has steadily increased throughout this process! My goal is to reach $1270/month of regular giving and the total amount for February was $885. Thank you!

Thank you for being support whenever and however you can.  Please let me know if there is anything about WMF that you would like me to expand on or if there is anything you are interested in learning more of. 

I need sponsorship, I trust that God will provide, and I will be faithful to continue asking!

Thank you!


Oh, perhaps you noticed the new WMF design?! The previous logo represented and served this community well for over ten years. The logo redesign was a thoughtful and laborious process that the community entered into to create an image that would more accurately represent WMF. The six-winged eagle symbolizes so much for this community; I want to draw out a few symbols that it carries for me.
The eagle is in flight which I see as movement and change. The more I live, the more I see the importance of change, adaptation and growth.
To me, the eagle appears to be saying something. WMF collective has a story that it is telling and the people in this community individually are sharing his/her unique, important stories.
There is something in the eagle being a living creature that is notable to me. I have not yet been able to point out all of the reasons why it being alive is so important, I think mostly it is because I continue to learn how to value life, how to love others. Also, to be alive is to bring life, meet life, discover life.  
These are only a few symbols that I have discovered; I hope the imagery of this new design can bring thoughtful reflection for you as well.