April Prayer Letter

April 2010


We had Beggars Society last night, March 14th. Beggars Society, for those who have not had an opportunity to attend one, is a monthly meeting we hold in the WMF office. It is a place to learn, have conversation, ask questions and simply engage in dialogue on all things related to social justice. This month we invited Kathy Kelly, coordinator with Voices for Creative Non-violence. She and the folks with VCNV are deeply rooted in active nonviolent resistance to US war-making.


Now, I know that the US participation in war is a very touchy subject. There are those whom oppose US war efforts, those who promote US war efforts and many others who position themselves in the middle of the spectrum. This letter is not intended to be a political statement I just want to share a comment that Mrs. Kelly made that I just cannot shake from my mind.


Kathy said that we are experiencing a shortage of love. A shortage of love. I wonder how our lives would be different if we acknowledged this shortage and responded because of it. I wonder what my response would be.


About a year ago Kathy reported on a surgeon’s experience in Gaza City. Dr. Tarazi told her that he prayed when he drove between hospital and home because the Israelis would shoot anyone on the roads at night. He said “We must experiment with ways of love…by feelings and actions. We need to succeed. We need to live together. The strongest weapon all over the world is love.”


A life lived in shortage of love is, quite honestly, not a life I am willing to live in. I don’t think that anyone of us is willing to live in shortage of love. I’m not sure what this means for me or how this compels us to action. I do know that there are a lot of ways that I do not love. There are so many things I need to learn about love. I want to be open to know others and to make that space that love can fill. Again, these are just thoughts—very unprocessed thoughts that are leaving me a bit perplexed but I think that is okay.


Jesus’ teaches about love are clear—love the Lord, love one another, love your neighbor, love your enemy, Love because we are loved.


I guess as I’m writing this, I am sensing an eagerness to reclaim love. I know there are ways that we can inspire each other to love and receive love. I know there are ways we can learn more about love (the shortage, signs, sources, etc.) from each other. I continue to invite you into my journey with WMF—I think this is one way we can see, learn about and share love. Please pray for me and WMF staff members and communities. It would be good to hear from you—email or write if you have a chance PO Box 70, Omaha NE 68101 or hilary,wilken@wordmadeflesh.org.


See Kathy Kelly via our website www.wordmadeflesh.org or at www.VCNV.org.


Peace to you!
