April Prayer Requests ~ Galati, Romania

– ‘A’ and ‘A’, brothers who consistently came to the center for years, have in the last month, dropped in their attendance. We are finding that they are having more and more symptoms of street kids, and would rather skip school and the center to spend time on the street. Please pray that the allure of street-life would be broken for them, that the chains that keep dragging them back to this life would be broken, and they would find healing in Christ.
– ‘V’ is another little boy who has been spending a lot of time on the streets and with much older companions. Please pray that these friendships would fall apart and he would be making good friends at the center. Also, that he would know the deep love of Christ and that He is the One “who sticks closer than a brother.”
– A brother and sister who have been involved with us for a year, have ceased coming to the center and we are unable to find them or their family anywhere. Please pray that they would be kept safe and we would be able to make contact with them again soon.
– ‘M’ is looking for a job. Please pray that he will be led to just the right position where his gifts and talents are used and he is able to earn a decent living.
– ‘F’ would know the love of God and this would set him free to find healing from his past and the wounds he tries to hide by rebelling.
– The little brother of a child who attends the center is very ill, having difficulty breathing. Please pray that he would get well and that there would be provision for treatment and medicine.
– Also, the father in the above family has been coming to the center to learn to read. Please pray that this relationship would deepen our ties with their family and an understanding of the gospel.
– ‘S’ and ‘I’, to little ones who are having a hard time coming consistently to school and the center.
– We are still in need of a social worker at Cuvantul Intrupat. Also, we could use more staff and volunteers to work with the children.