Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
The Shape of Community
by Bernie Willock Jesus continues to call me deeper and deeper into various expressions of “being with” other people. However, my longing for meaningful friendships is often at tension with my cultural predisposition for individual autonomy. The call to community consistently challenges my commitment to master conflict and stay with others, to remain open, vulnerable…
Sharing Mate
A few afternoons a week our WMF Argentina community spends time with children, youth and young adults who live and/or work the busiest downtown train station and transportation hub in Buenos Aires. Hundreds of thousands of people pass through the Retiro station every day. Because of this, many youth and young adults living in situations…
Playtime Communion
His eyes bear the weight of a lifetime: a lifetime of neglect and of abuse and of a million unmet longings to be noticed. My gaze is fixed on his bony, 11-year-old body as he bounds toward me, his crooked smile bringing the slightest relief to those tired eyes. He holds out his hand, long…
Shared Life
by Brooke* When we walked down the railroad tracks toward Joma’s house for lunch, one of our friends took her shoes in her hand so that she could walk more easily on the railroad beams. As soon as she had removed her ill-equipped shoes, Joma stopped her. She swiftly removed her own sandals and handed…
A Day in the Life
by Sari Bari Staff Sari Bari is thankful for another amazing week in the life of our community. One of our Production Managers, Rohima met two young at-risk women on the train and connected them to our prevention unit. Instead of meeting a trafficker, they met Rohima, and now will never have to know the…
Coming to Community
Community requires commitment: a commitment first to Jesus and to the Kingdom of God, as well as a commitment to one another. We each enter community with different levels and understandings of our commitment to each other and ultimately to Jesus. As part of the commitment we make to our communities, we have to understand…
Loom in the Valley
I’ve spent my life promoting the idea of “community”—how to create it, how to sustain it. About a half dozen of us started Word Made Flesh 20 years ago to serve Jesus among the most vulnerable of the world’s poor. The language of “community” blanketed us, and we did it—community, that is—pretty well. Word got…
June 2012 Prayer Letter
June 2012 Dear Friends, Today is our first day back at the center after our week away on retreat in the mountains. Thank you for your prayers. We had a great week together. It was amazing to worship together singing songs from Romania, Moldova and also Sierra Leone. Our theme for the retreat was “reconciliation”…
Langley family June 2012 update letter
June 2012 Langley family update Dear Friends, We have shared with many of you the possibility of our family soon entering into a time of Sabbatical renewal. Many congregations and communities understandably term sabbatical a “creative absence,” and as our own sabbatical unfolds we want to open our process and experience of sabbatical…
Langley family December 2010 update letter
December 2010 WMF Peru: Looking back and looking forward Greetings to all of you from Lima, Peru! We are very excited to share this community update with you as we close out 2010 and begin to focus our attention on the coming year… Prevention & Empowerment: Throughout the year we have focused our energies…