Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Langley family April update letter
April 2012 Langley family update Dear loved ones, We have been going through a bit of an emotional roller coaster during this season of our lives. On Valentine’s Day (pictured above) Monica and the girls organized a special dinner for us. We were treated to a…
Broken bodies and the Resurrection
To read Rachel’s reflection and more click here.
April 2012
Dear Friends and Family, In Moldova it is easy to remember when seasons change, vacations happen and school begins and ends; it’s the same every year for everyone. School starts September first, the first day of fall, and school ends June first, the first day of summer. On March first we celebrated the coming of…
April 2012 Prayer Letter
April 2012 Dear Friends, Spring is officially springing here in Galati. As I write the sun is shining, temperatures are rising and the children are playing outside. We had a long, hard winter this year. Maybe you read about it since it made international news. Dozens of people died due to the cold temperatures or…
Attention to Humility
Silence. Silence and solitude were my companions in the closing months of 2011. How I hated them. How I deeply long for their companionship once again. Companions on the journey, signposts along the path. Silence and solitude. The voice of God in those liminal days – the days between what was and what might yet…
Wear It Well
by AnaYelsi Sanchez I do not wear humility well. I usually find modesty to be an unnatural fit and will shy away from experiences that force me to adopt these traits. This may stem from self-consciousness as much as it does pride. There are limited areas of life in which I truly feel confident and,…
Celebration of Service: The West Family
Known for his deep sense of compassion and his kind-hearted wisdom, Silas West, outgoing Director of Community Care, has been a founding figure of Word Made Flesh from the very start. He and his family have undoubtedly created a spiritual legacy that extends far beyond the Nepal and Omaha communities, as they have inherently shaped…
Desolation and Dependence
In high school after reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel, I wrote a paper on what it means to be in utter desolation. My conclusion was that utter desolation is of the absence of anything good or hopeful—a place void of anything that draws the mind back to life: a place like a Nazi…
Exercises in Humility (Romanian)
Exerciții de smerenie Încercînd să scriu depsre smerenie, primul gînd care îmi venea de fiecare dată după ce scriam aproape jumate de foaie era sa abandonez, să fug și desigur să nu mai scriu nimic… știu și recunosc că am falimentat de multe ori la acest capitol și cred că șirul acesta încă nu s-a…
Exercises in Humility
*Translated by John Koon With each attempt to write about humility, the first thought that would come to me after finishing almost half a page was to give up, to run away and of course to write nothing more. I know and admit that I’ve made this mistake many times, and I don’t think that…