Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
She Treasured All These Things
“We have to do WHAT?” I would have thought (and probably shouted). “Go WHERE? Joseph, can’t you see I’m about to pop?” I’m glad I wasn’t chosen to give birth to the Messiah. Even had I initially responded with the humility and obedience of Mary, “I am the Lord’s servant…. May it be to me…
More Than Church Smiles
In order to truly depend on God we must first realize our deep need for God. Humility affirms our need for God. I am always the first to raise my hand in a room when being asked for help, even if it means having to make sacrifices. But, you will hardly ever see me on…
High Altitude Humility
by Adam Thada Mountains are the eternal inspiration for poets, dare-devils and soul-searchers. On the mountain, humanity’s mad obsession with petty day-to-day concerns simply melt away like glacial ice under a scorching sun. Here climbers are reminded that they are not so powerful after all. Humility is a survival strategy. Proud alpinists don’t last very…
Learning to Receive
Humility surprises me. All these years I understood humility as something I needed to “attain” if I wanted to be obedient to scripture. Now I have begun to see humility as a gift of God’s grace. God’s been breaking and softening my heart over the last two years, opening my eyes to my own pride.…
Letter from the Editor
Celebrating humility is an odd notion. If someone told me they were celebrating humility, I would probably ask them (sarcastically) if they were selfish much. But this Lifestyle Celebration of ours spans a breadth of meanings for us. We celebrate Christ’s humility, that God would embrace humanity so deeply despite the many ways we fall…
Updates from Chennai March 2012
chennai updates march 2012
Chennai Prayer Letter March 2012
Chennai Prayer letter- March 2012
A path marked by….
A letter from Anna Monterviller, National Director of WMF Peru. A little more than four months have passed since I assumed the role of National Director; this happened during a season wherein the community in Peru, like many of you know, was tested in multiple ways. But I see now how God taught us many…
The Cry – for Humility (vol. 18, no. 1)
Read through this issue of The Cry, focused on lifestyle celebration of humility. [gview file=”https://wordmadeflesh.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Vol-18-No-1-Humility1.pdf” width=”100%” height=”900px” save=”1″]
March Prayer Letter
March 2012 Dear Friends, As I write to you fromOmaha, Chris is inIndia. For the next few weeks he will host an eclectic group of influencers as they visit the WMF communities inSouth Asia. One of the guests is a filmmaker who will help us get some dignifying video footage to assist us in telling…