Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Contemplative Activism: A Transformative Way
We are complex human beings created in the image of God—daughters and sons of the most high God. We are the beloved of God. This is an extraordinary iden- tity. But we don’t often reflect this heritage. Instead of living from a place of knowing in our core that we are loved, which fuels our…
What God Sees. Advent Day 6.
Isaiah 53:4-6 “Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all,…
December 2011 Prayer Letter
Hello Friends, I was recently introduced to a form of prayer called the Prayer of Examen. The idea behind this prayer practice is to examine our consciousness to discover God’s presence in our day, and to examine the areas of our lives that need further growth and healing. This ancient practice is traditionally done at…
Longing. Advent Day 5.
One of my favorite hobbies is listening to music. As I sit down to write this advent reflection, the first thing that goes through my mind is, what music am I going to listen to as I write? Most people would probably think about what they are going to write about prior to writing. I’m…
December 2011 Prayer Letter
December 2011 Dear Friends, It’s hard to believe that another year has nearly come and gone. As we look ahead to this coming month I’m sure that, as is always the case, December will fly by. We have a lot of activities planned with the children and their families. This is my major prayer request…
Dec. '11 Thada Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family, It is so good to write you all and thank you for your prayers for L.’s safe arrival and my recovery from an emergency cesarean. I believe this is the first time I (Becky) have written since her birth and it’s a joy to share with all of you again. L.…
december 2011
Dear Friends and Family, When I last wrote, I told you that in September we were struggling with unseasonal heat. We then experienced unseasonal cold in October while awaiting the government to turn on the heat in our apartment (a leftover from communism), office and space at the school. I’m happy to announce we now…
December 2011 Dear Friends and Family, I miss all of you!!!! Merry Christmas!!! Truth be told, I’ve been listening to Christmas music for weeks (it’s currently the middle of November). In Moldova we don’t even have the pre-Thanksgiving shopping extravaganza that happens in the US, so I can’t blame it on consumerism…I simply like this…
The Wait, Advent Day 4
I hate waiting. While I am (typically?) patient with people, I often curse at people in traffic, get antsy in line at the grocery store, find myself frustrated when the internet won’t load on my old computer and absolutely despise the music played over the phone while I am waiting for a representative. I am…
Mary & Joseph, Advent Day 3
During the 2009 Christmas season, staff from our Word Made Flesh (WMF) children’s home in Chennai, India, found a brother and sister living and working on a trash heap. Referred to as rag-pickers—a derogatory term that over-identifies the children with what they do rather than who they are—the small children were digging through garbage looking…