Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
March 2010 Prayer Letter
March 2010 Dear Friends, This month’s letter will be another short one. It’s been a rather hectic month and Ana and I have another very busy two weeks ahead of us. Our big news this month: we moved! After spending our first year of marriage (it’s our one-year anniversary this month – woohoo!) in an…
March 2010
Dear Friends and Family, We just said goodbye to dear friends who came to visit us in our new home in Chişinău, Moldova. Chris, Phileena and Liz left the WMF office in Omaha for a field visit to Romania and decided to take a few days to explore the land beyond the River Prut along…
March Prayer Letter
A voice of one calling: “In the desert prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,…
Prima lună în Moldova (First month in Moldova)
Scroll down to see English translation “Tata venea beat acasă,în fiecare zi, o bătea pe mama, apoi îi punea cuţitul la gât şi o ameninţa. Noi ne-am săturat şi am fugit de acasă – eu, mama, şi fratele meu.” “Tata ne-a părăsit când eram mai mic, iar mama a murit când aveam 7 ani.” „Eu…
Growing Season
2/15/10 Hello Friends, Its snowing in Omaha today. Again. But (and I acknowledge the craziness of saying this) I am really thankful that the temperatures were in the 20s this weekend; it was bit of relief from the recent blinding cold. I have spent much of these winter months dreaming of front porch sitting, vegetable…
Autumn & Lent
“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.” ~ Romans 6:8 March 2010 Dear Family & Friends, March 14 will mark two years here in Buenos Aires! I plan to take a personal retreat that weekend to reflect and give thanks for all God has done! I also give…
March '10 Thada Prayer Letter
Dear friends and family, Language school classes have been in full swing and we are sensing that our ability to communicate is slowly improving. We still can’t express our deep desires and fears, but each day we feel a little more confident. What a blessing this time is for us, though! We are so happy…
March Prayer Letter
Dear precious friends and family, Hello again! And Happy New Year (a little late)! I am always amazed at how quickly time flies by, and this year is no exception. It feels as though I was just sitting down to write my last update letter to you, but then I remember that two whole months…
March Prayer Letter
Dear Family and Friends Here is a quick update of a few things that have been going on in Word Made Flesh Peru. First I want to say that it was great to see many of you at Christmas, it was so fun to surprise everyone. I had a great time of rest and relaxation…
an answer to their prayers
These Moldovan musicians are really serious about practicing!