At the table

"Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb."

Rev. 19:9

Dear friends,

Today I give thanks for the gift of family. In the absence of my natural family I am surrounded by mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters that God has gifted to me in abundance.

I give thanks for a church family where I am invited to join in leading our times of corporate worship.

I give thanks for the four young mothers who have welcomed us into their humble homes each week. I thank God for the gift of life he has given to their infant children and pray, "Lord, have mercy on them and make your face shine upon them as they grow."

I give thanks for the three boys and one teenage girl who sit down with me each day to learn basic math, reading and writing skills. C., our new 18-year-old who's just learning to read, has inspired me this week. I'm thankful for his determination. I pray that his presence will motivate the others to press forward with their education in spite of such a late start.

I give thanks for the gift of my education, in music, in bibilical studies; truly a gift of immeasurable worth.

I give thanks for time and space alone with God. Oct. 26-28 will be a three-day spiritual retreat for solitude, silence, prayer, soaking in Scripture, and journaling.

I give thanks for discovering a modern birthing clinic in Romania where Audra can give birth to her baby girl with her husband Ron at her side. Gavin, 4, and Avery, 2, will fill my days with their smiles (I hope!) while their parents are at the clinic in the days surrounding the birth (Nov.1-10).

I give thanks for each person who reads this note, prays for me, prays for the children, sends money, clothes and toys. Together, we are ushering in God's kingdom of peace and equality, hope and joy.

And finally, today I give thanks for the invitation to feast at the wedding table with our Messiah, when the poor will be seated with princes, every mountain will be made low, every valley raised high and tears will be no more.

With you at the table,


If you would like to support the ministry of Word Made Flesh in Galati, considering doing so through the purchase of Christmas greeting cards made by the children at our House in the Valley “Casa la Vale", available on-line