August 2004





But let justice roll on like a river,

righteousness like a never-failing stream!”

Amos 5:25

Dear friends,

Each day seems to bring another small confirmation that, yes, I am in the right place. Since coming back to Galati on July 9, I keep running into more friends or children who greet me with, “Rahchail (or Reechair, depending who I'm talking to), Bine ai venit! Ma bucur sa te vad!” (which means welcome back, I'm glad to see you!).

Yesterday, I heard my name from the flower stand, as I was about to cross the street in the center of town. I turned to be greeted by Sebi, one of the street boys who works for a flower vendor. Later, walking toward the drop-in center I hear a small voice from behind, “Rachel!” and turn to wave at little Ana who lives next door to the Center and attends the program for school children.

It still amazes me the number of children, parents and peers that I have come to know in the last two years. So many relationships means that I have to carefully plan my time so that I can stay in contact with them, something I always feel that I'm failing at. Sometimes it also means choosing to let some friends go to make room for new relationships.

That's the challenge I face when a new Servant Team comes because they really do consume the majority of my time. Finding a balance in maintaining relationships and serving at the Center while leading a team will be a struggle this Fall so pray for me as I receive the next team on August 18. Korie, Katie, Robin, Toni, and Rheanna will be coming for a period of four months to serve with us. Pray that I will find suitable host families and a language tutor for them before they come and that their transition to life in Galati will go smoothly.

Also pray for our summer camps. This summer there will be six one-week sessions for kids from all different programs sponsored by Word Made Flesh and by Heart of the Child, another NGO with whom we work closely. I will be participating in two of the camps, the first is for our school children, ages 7-15 from August 9-16 and the second camp is for the street boys, August 23-29. Right between those two camp sessions out in the mountains I will travel to Bucharest to pick up the Servant Team. So needless to say, August will be a VERY full month! (in which case I will probably not manage to get a letter out for September, but count on one in October).

Finally, please be in prayer for the Klepac family as they return from a time in the States and prepare to receive street boys into their home again. Pray specifically for a young man named Alin who has shown interest in living there. Every time a boy moves into the Klepac's home we recognize an intense spiritual battle as they struggle to break free from street life and embrace a family who is willing to love them unconditionally. Pray for God's grace and mercy to cover us all as we intercede on behalf of Alin and wait for God to do miracles in our midst.

It's hard to really express how much difference it makes to know that there are people like you holding us up in prayer and following closely the story that is unfolding in the lives of impoverished children here in this unlikely city in Romania. While I was home I received numerous words of encouragement and affirmation from you who are praying and supporting the work here. Thank you for your commitment and sacrifice to love the ones who are despised and trampled on by the world but loved and given the seat of honor in the kingdom of God.

Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. (Is. 1:17)

As always,
