August 2009 Prayer Letter

August 2009

Dear Friends,

This month’s letter will be on the short side since Ana and I are still in the midst of our whirlwind tour of Omaha. It has been so great getting to spend time with so many of you. Thank you for taking time to be with us, inviting us into your homes, taking us out to restaurants, and meeting with us at various get-togethers. I have certainly gotten together with more people on this trip than on any other up until now. And while Ana has been a bit overwhelmed by all the new faces in such a short time, she has told me repeatedly that she has very much enjoyed meeting you all. She and I both have been greatly blessed by your generous hospitality and your love for us. Thank you so much.

I especially want to thank my family for planning the reception for Ana and me out at my sister’s house. They went to a lot of work to make the day really special for us both. And it was an amazing day. Thank you to all of you who came out to offer us your congratulations and blessings. It really meant a lot to us.

As we prepare to head back to Galati, we are, of course, looking forward to seeing all of our friends. But we also know the next month will be especially busy. Our fellow staff members have been working extra hard in our absence and when we return it will be their turn to have some time off and our turn to be more busy than usual. Please pray for us. Summers with the children are always a lot of fun but also very busy.

Finally, please be praying for our upcoming time at camp. This year we will be gone from August 31st to September 6th and we will again be going to the mountains in central Romania. As in years past, our time will be filled with games, worship, meals together, art projects, hiking in the mountains, jumping on the trampoline, Bible studies, laughter, and the presence our Father. Please pray that each child will feel His love in a very real way during our time together.


Paul and Ana