August 2011

WMF Bolivia 2011: Our peeps are Awesome!

Hi Friends,

Hopefully the icy cold has passed and springtime is nearing here in Bolivia; we’ve had some chilly weeks recently! Have you been enjoying the heat and summertime fun?

Well, nearly 3 months ago we returned to ministry after sabbatical, and life is good! We’re still stumbling to find our stride in balancing ministry, family, community and the like. But we are in full swing and enjoying the ride.

Prayer Requests & Praises

  • The ministry is undergoing a careful reevaluation of our programs and services: How can we best support the process of transformation for our friends on the street? Pray that the path would be clear and that we would be unified in how to best direct our resources.
  • Many in our community are tired and needing a fresh touch from the Lord. Pray for renewal, vision, clarity, wisdom and joy.
  • Mauricio & Andrea Meneses have recently joined our community as full-time staff. They complement our leadership and have already been such a renewing presence among us. Please pray for them and their 3 children as they step into the fullness of this ministry.
  • We have two families in our community expecting babies (not us!). As foreigners living at high altitude (where the oxygen level is much lower than we are used to), there are a number of risks in pregnancy, childbirth and infancy. Please pray for healthy growth and development for these babies, as well as the transition into parenthood for our friends.

WMFB Celebrates 10 Years

The story of Word Made Flesh Bolivia is one of God’s faithfulness and grace, one where loved ones have come and gone and left their mark, one of perseverance in the face of disappointment, political turmoil, sickness, severe weather and tough living. But it is also one where Hope triumphs and each small step towards transformation matters…


July 22: The twins turn 2

Twin boys. We never imagined we would have our own. Yet what beautiful, active miracles they are. We celebrate their lives and the blessings they are. AND, we celebrate that as they grow, our lives are getting a little easier too. Whew! Welcome to toddlerhood little ones!

August 2: Ten years of service in Bolivia

What initially began as an innocent attempt to “get out of Kentucky” and try missions for a while, has evolved into a life calling. One where we’ve found a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose, one where God’s faithfulness is certainly evident. This has been an intense journey and yet we love where we are and what we’re privileged to do. Thank you for being a part of it all with us.

August 8: School starts

Although that may sound like terrible parenting, it is a celebration. Having all 4 in the house on a constant basis has quite nearly pushed all of us to the brink. We’ll love each other much better with a little more space.

August 16: Fourteen years of marriage

We’ve now been together longer than we’ve been apart. What a journey it has been as we’ve forged life together, creating a family and maturing, sharing ministry and memories, heartaches and joy. We are still best friends, forging ahead for even more adventures! We’re so thankful for you, your gifts, your prayers, your friendship and encouragement. We could not do this without you. So grateful…

All our love,
The Bolivia Baker´s
Andy, Andrea, Elias, Luke, Owen & Asher