August 2011

My Dearest Loved Ones,

Several days ago I was talking with a new friend and counselor in the field of missionary care. We were discussing my complications with support raising and my role here at Word Made Flesh. During our conversation, I was encouraged while he shared an email with me which included this beautiful scripture:

“The Lord be exalted, who delights in the well being of His servant.” Psalm 35:27a

I have begun to really digest this verse and the simple yet vast detail that God truly delights in the well being of His servants – including me! During the last four months of attempting to raise my financial support as a missionary here in the states, I have found myself doubting God’s concern for my well being. My humanness has been overwhelmed by the question of my ability to thrive in this voyage I believe Our Father has called me to. Coming up on my fifth month serving here, I have yet to raise more than $230. I am struck by the reality of how difficult it truly is to explain my missionary role here in the states, when trying to compare it to a missionary role abroad. Though our overseas staff members need care and I find profound vitality in supporting them, I am faced with the fact that there are many outside of the mission who are not convinced of the value of my role here in the states vs. what my role would look like as an overseas missionary. So, in the midst of my struggles, I would love to tell you a bit about our role here in Omaha and the beautiful platform it creates, the platform that I have fallen deeply in love with, of which I feel called to.

The international staff members serving with Word Made Flesh are particularly vulnerable. Many of them serve in some of the most dangerous locations around the world. They serve among those who experience the worst our broken world can throw at people — former child soldiers, abandoned children, and girls abducted and sold into a life of prostitution. Our staff must come to accept life overseas as normal and integrate a sense of routine into their lives, even though part of their culture is being changed. It is a process of giving up of self, grieving loses and feeling isolated. These kinds of things create an intense living environment for staff members serving abroad, an environment that requires specialized support and understanding. The beauty about my role is that it is very relational, and creates this platform for support.

The puzzle that this platform creates is quite gorgeous and in reality, breathtaking. You can provide for me, which allows me to provide for our international staff, which allows them to keep moving forward in the vision of Word Made Flesh and the friends consumed in poverty that we are called to. In the midst of your every day routine, you and I can be a huge part of rewriting stories for hundreds of people in ten different countries around the world. Here are a couple of ways I support our international staff during my 40 hour work week:

– Resourcing them with the supplies and services they need
– Preparing them for what they will face and helping them walk through critical events in their lives
– Advocating for the poor here in the states and raising awareness about human trafficking
– Providing administrative and logistical support that enables them to serve effectively
– Processing staff news letters and prayer letters
– Ensuring that they are caring for themselves and finding the support they need
– Publicizing WMF news and events

By beginning to support me, your financial investment will go beyond simply supporting my life needs. It will directly influence multiple lives serving around the world in some of the darkest places you could imagine. Your investment in this beautiful journey I have been called to will ensure the longevity of Kingdom communities among the poor. I desire to see these beautiful individuals reach their potential in Christ, and you can directly impact that by the thoughtfulness and support you feel lead to give. Your support is essential to ensure that I am able to thrive in my passion and continue with what Our Father has called me to do.

I have been abundantly blessed to be fully-funded until January. But if January comes and I only have $230 in my support account, I will have to end my service before my three year contract is up, and find another job that can supply my needs. At this point I have 140 people on my mailing list. If each one of you gave $15 dollars a month, I would have exactly what I need. Of course I realize that not all of you will be able to give, so that is not a practical concept. However, if one hundred of you gave $21 a month, then I would be able to meet my budget. Note that every penny of support given in 2011 will go towards my salary in 2012.

I sincerely thank those of you who have already made the decision to continue contributing financially, and those of you who have given one time gifts. For those of you who are discerning, I ask you to prayerfully consider how to continue supporting me in my calling to serve Jesus among the most vulnerable of the world’s poor.

Much love, peace, and joy to you and yours,