August 2011 Prayer Letter

August 2011

Dear Friends,

This is going to be another short-letter month.  The team of nine from my home church in Omaha is currently here visiting so we’ve been extra busy.  The team, by the way, is great.  I really didn’t expect to enjoy this time as much as I have.  I’ll be sorry to see them leave.  Thank you so much for praying.

Eleni and Florin have had a good month.  We’re slowly continuing to adjust to being with each other so much and to just what it means for us to become family to each other.  Both of them have been a big help with this Omaha team, too.  They’ve been helping with chores and lots of little things that need doing.  They’ve also been teaching some of the team members Romanian.  I think that’s been fun for both them and for those they’re teaching.  Please continue to hold Eleni and Florin before our Father.

Ana and I are doing well.  We’ve both been extra tired the last month or so, but are trying to figure out new schedules that will be sustainable for us.  Of course, for me the heat is a big issue.  I hate the heat!  It’s been in the nineties all this last week and it’s hard to find any relief.  Ana and I went on a date last night and we ended up getting a Coke and talking at McDonald’s.  It was the only place we could find that was air conditioned!  Ok, enough complaining…

The summer program with the kids has been going really well.  The younger children are coming more consistently and we’re doing more intensive discipleship with the teens.  It’s been really encouraging thus far.  Please continue to pray.  Pray for healing for all the children.  Pray that the younger children will simply come to participate in the program.  Pray that while they are with us they will experience the love and acceptance of Jesus.  Pray also for the teens.  Pray that they will continue to take steps toward Jesus and not away from Him.

Lastly, please pray for the new literacy program we have started with some of the parents.  There are always parents that ask when we’re going to start something for them, saying that they really want to learn to read and write.  Well, we finally started a 3-day-a-week program for adults.  Their response thus far has been really positive.  Please pray for the parents.  Pray that they, too, will experience the love of Christ in a tangible way.


Paul and Ana