August 2012 Prayer Letter

It has been too long since my last prayer letter and I am now glad to be able to share with you some of the latest experiences from my life, my ministry and my community. First, I would like to thank those of you who committed to be partners in this ministry by praying for me.

„For we are co-workers in God’s service.” (1 Corinthians 3:9)

As it’s been a long time since I last wrote, I would like to remind you the activities we are usually involved in here at the WMF Romania Community Center, from Galati: counseling, Play Therapy, Art Therapy, education, and gardening. The social calendar in Romania has recently marked the National Week of Volunteering and we took part in it by organizing a training course for our current volunteers. On the 8th of March, the mothers of the children we assist came to our improvised salon for a special Mother’s Day celebration. On June 1st, children and staff celebrated Child’s Day.

Our summer activities at the Centre are more relaxed as we want the children to enjoy a much needed rest, yet we continue our education program including: Art classes, Computers, Social Skills classes, and fun-Friday the most exciting of all when we go to the park, to the Zoo, or to the swimming pool. Please pray that God will use all these activities to bring healing to the children.

We are now in the midst of organizing the summer camp. We will be in the mountains from August 27th to September 2th. It is a time very much appreciated by the kids as well as the staff, no matter how tiring it can get for the latter. It is a time where the children can get away from their day to day life in Galati. It is a time where we share meals, quality time, where we play, laugh, learn, pray together and just enjoy one another. Please pray that the kids would come to know the Lover who loves them unconditionally and that we would all receive healing and love from God. Also, pray that all the needed material resources would come at the right time.

As my responsibilities are mostly administrative, I spent a great deal of my time in this department. That gives me the opportunity to witness God’s provision at the right time and also to share the burden of praying and waiting for the resources we need to function. It has been a rough year for us in that aspect. Our team received two more members which added to the expenses. We ended up spending more than we received and so last year ended on a negative account. Different local companies offered funds for specific needs that we shared with them and this came as a short term solution for our current situation. It has once again been an opportunity for us to see God’s love and provision for this ministry. Pray that our faith in Him will grow as we go through times of need. Pray that the resources we need for our activities in August will come through.

Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)

In addition to my administrative responsibilities I am also involved in Advocacy, work relationships and education (game activities and Computers).

We like to say that we are a community of readers. Reading, studying and talking about it is a current thing among us. In our last book club meeting we finished discussing Dr. Ruby K. Payne’s work „A framework for understanding poverty” I recommend this book to all who may have preconceived ideas about poverty and also to those who are interested to learn more about the people entrapped in poverty.

In closing, I invite you to pray for all the kids we work and live among, so that they will be in the position to choose for their lives, so that they will know hope!


In Christ,

Bogdan Chelariu