August Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

We are really enjoying our summer season. The weather has been beautiful: hot in the days and cool in the nights. We have begun different activities for the kids. We are doing various discussions on drug abuse and addiction, STD's, and domestic violence and abuse. The kids also chose to participate in various clubs: basketball, volleyball, photography, sewing, typing, learning to make games and toys, and others. The kids are also spending an hour a day reading, which is something that they are all learning to enjoy. Considering that many of our kids were illiterate or struggling to read, this is no small feat. And we continue to have times for art, counseling, Bible lessons and worship. For those that attend everyday of the week, they are able to go on the Friday outing: a picnic across the Danube, a visit to the art museum, and swimming at the pool.

Because the kids have more free time, we are able to just hang out. We find that discipleship happens by living together and modeling life to one another. So, we are grateful for these opportunities. Please do pray that the kids would grow in their walk with God. Many live in very dark and difficult places, but pray that their lights would shine brighter.

Our next door neighbors recently lost their rental contract. Since June they have “squatted” on our front fence and across the street. They quickly set up “homes” out of cellophane plastic to protect their beds and other furniture. Although they have known for a few years that they would lose their rent, they didn't have a lot of options to access another location. The mayor has promised to give them social housing, but they have been told that this may take two to three months. Please pray for these families living on the street. And pray that we will be good neighbors. We are serving them with water for cleaning, cooking and cooling the black asphalt. They also are using the Community Center to take showers. Pray that God would use this situation to help these families come to know Him.

We just said good-bye to a group of friends from Scotland that spent a few weeks with us. They helped out with various projects at the Community Center, but primarily dug postholes, lacquered wood beams, and set up the foundations to a new retaining wall for the garden. Katy, the organizer of the team, is praying about returning to our community to practice medicine. Please pray for the Lord to guide her steps and to open the doors for this to be a possibility.

In a few weeks we will be receiving a Servant Team. Please pray for the Fowler's as they lead the team. And pray that the team would integrate and accommodate easily.

Also be in prayer for Magda, Fani and Ana who are hoping to visit the WMF community in Sierra Leone with Lenutsa and me in December. There are many logistic and financial hurdles, so please be in prayer for us.

With gratitude for your involvement in our lives,
