August 2010 Prayer Letter

August 2010

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Omaha! As I write this Ana and I have been back in the big O for one week. Later today we will drive down to Nebraska City to start our 10-day retreat with all the other Word Made Flesh workers from the U.S. Our time thus far with family and friends has been encouraging and restful. And I’m sure our time in Nebraska City will be great. Thank you for your prayers.

By the time you receive this letter we should be toward the end of our visit and getting ready to head back to Galati. There will still be five weeks of summer vacation left once we arrive, including our annual week of summer camp. This is the first year we are limiting our camp to children younger than seventh grade. For the seventh-graders and up we are encouraging them to attend the youth camp of one of the local churches. Our hope is that this will continue to help them connect and commit to the local church.

Our camp for first through sixth-graders is planned for August 30th to September 5th. As in years past our time will be filled with adventure, laughter, and likely a few tears. We will pray and worship together. There will be times for reading and for doing art projects. And there will be lots and lots of playtime. Please pray that our time will be filled with the presence of Jesus. He has been so faithful every year during camp to work deeply in the children’s hearts, bringing healing and restoration.


Paul and Ana