Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
July 2009 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, Ana and I traveled to the American embassy in Bucharest recently to apply for a visa for our visit to Omaha this summer. And I have good news. Ana did receive a visa. That means we will be able to attend the reception in our honor on the 11th of July! And it…
Forcatto Prayer Letter, July 2009
Dear Loved Ones, Winter is in full swing. I’ve brought my laptop onto my bed and placed myself strategically in the sunlight which streams in through the window. Any added bit of warmth helps ward off the shivers. It’s cold days like this when I’m reminded of just how difficult life must be if you…
Celtic Expression of Faith
The fast day prayer for July 1 is taken from the Northumbria Community’s Celtic Evening Prayer Liturgy. Lord, You have always given bread for the coming day; and though I am poor, today I believe. Lord, You have always given strength for the coming days; and though I am weak, today I believe. Lord, You…
July 2009 Dear Family & Friends, It hardly seems possible that we are already six-months into 2009! The first half of the year has been full of life in community and ministry here in Buenos Aires. I recently enjoyed sharing my life here with my mom and sister who came for a visit…
Twilight Prayer
I like to read this prayer at the end of the work day… O You Whose Face is a Thousand Colors… Look upon us in this twilight hour and color our faces with the radiance of your love. As the light of the sun fades away, light the lamps of our hearts that we may…
A Twittered Letter. June 2009.
Hi friends! Today I’m packing up my desk and finishing up the last minute details to head home for a vacation, visiting family in Michigan. I can’t wait! I feel that pre-vacation high, woohoo! Have you heard of this internet thing- Twitter? Apparently you’re supposed to send short lines of things that you are doing,…
July Newsletter
July 2009 Love has redeemed His sheep with blood; And love will bring them safe to God; Love calls them all from death to life; And love will finish all their strife. He loves through every changing scene, Nor aught from Him can Zion wean; Not all the wanderings of her heart Can make His…
Beggars Society: June 14, 2009: Solidarity with the Poor
In exploring what it means to stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who are poor, we watched this video: Listen to the rest of the meeting’s audio and follow along with the resources below. We heard from Marcia Ghali and Hilary Wilken: Litany for the journey As we are, Heather Goetzen Prayer for…
July Prayer
July 2009 Dear Friends, The rainy season is probably my favorite season here in Thailand. I just love to watch the dark clouds roll in as the “lom yen” cool winds pickup, then it begins to rain. Tim and I sat eating Khioy Thiaw heng, a rice noodle dish, listening to the rain as we…
Go with Me in a New Exodus
Today’s Fast Day prayer is written by Ted Loder and found in his book Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle. O God of fire and freedom, deliver me from my bondage to what can be counted and go with me in a new exodus toward what counts, but can only be measured in bread…