Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
July Update
Dear Friends, I trust that this letter finds you well. Here in Galati we have moved into summer. The weather has been in the ’90’s, and the kids just had their last day of school. It is nice to reflect on how much the kids have grown, learned and developed over the past year. Although…
July 2009
Dear Friends and Family, Yesterday (June 12) was the last day of school in Romania. It was a joyful day for many students as they finally escaped from the drudgery of hours of arithmetic calculations and from naming all those parts of speech and especially from awkward gym classes. They are looking forward to a…
Reflect, Rejoice, Rest.
Reflect, rejoice, rest. These are words of wisdom from my good friend Lenuta as I begin sabbatical. Please pray for all the emotional goodbyes that I must walk through.
Beggars Society Meeting this Sunday
Solidarity with the poor. Sunday, June 14, at 7 p.m. we will explore solidarity with the poor in prayer and discussion. Dr. Tom Kelly, professor of theology at Creighton University, will share in teaching and reflection. 1011 Leavenworth St. Omaha, NE 68102
Forcatto June 2009 Prayer Letter
June 1, 2009 Dear family and friends, We want to first apologize for not sending out a prayer letter the last couple of months. It has been our desire to write a prayer letter once a month to keep you informed of what God is doing in our lives and to ask for prayer.…
The 2009 New Friars Forum: Harmony and Solidarity
Last week, leaders from five of the organizations highlighted in Scott Bessenecker’s book, The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World’s Poor, met in San Francisco, California. Included in the meetings were: Janine and Scott Bessenecker (author of The New Friars, and Quest for Hope in the Slum Community: A Global Urban Reader) representing…
June 2009 Prayer Letter
June 2009 Prayer Letter Click the attached PDF to view my latest prayer letter.
June Prayer Letter
Hello Friends, What a crazy year it’s already been! By now hopefully you’ve all seen the newly designed newsletter. We’re really pleased with our new logo and really excited about the new website. If you haven’t logged on yet, I encourage you to. Phileena wrote a beautiful reflection on the meaning behind…
June Prayer Letter
Hello Friends, What a crazy year it’s already been! By now hopefully you’ve all seen the newly designed newsletter. We’re really pleased with our new logo and really excited about the new website. If you haven’t logged on yet, I encourage you to. Phileena wrote a beautiful reflection on the meaning behind…
June 2009 Prayer Letter
June 2009 Dear Friends, Greetings from Omaha! After traveling in Asia this winter then finishing Servant Team application review, hosting board meetings, and launching the redesign it feels great to slow down a bit and welcome summer. Our neighborhood has come to life with children playing in the streets and neighbors mowing their lawns.…