Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
January 2009
Dear Friends, Happy New Year! Last month our WMF children's home in Chennai, India had a couple surprise visitors-a little 4-year-old girl named Mary and a her 5-year-old brother Joseph. Thankfully there was "room in the inn" for them, and they've now become part of our extended WMF family. When they were much younger, Mary and Joseph's…
Beggars Society: January 11, 2009: Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson: January 11, 2009 Beggars Society Meeting, Omaha, NE
January 2010 Prayer Letter
January 2010 Dear Friends, I know I have already mentioned this in past letters, but this month there will be a team leaving from Romania to begin a new Word Made Flesh field in Moldova. We are all really excited about the part we get to play in helping to start this new field. Moldova…
April Folkertsma – Jan. 1, 2009
Dear Friends and Family: It’s a gray cold day in Galaţi…not a leaf is left on any tree, at least from where I can see out my kitchen window. No leaves, gray leaden sky, crumbling apartment buildings… Sort of depressing. Sorry, I’m ready for some warmth and sunshine. Last week in our community Bible study…
update from David and Lenutsa
Dear Friends, As I write we are in the midst of a busy December, as I imagine you are as well. Over the past few Sundays, the children have been visiting the different evangelical churches in Galati and ministering through song, poem and Scripture. They have been a blessing to the churches. Our prayer…
January 2009 Prayer Letter
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Ephesians 4:1 Dear Friends and Family, Holiday greetings from a bright, sunny Sierra Leone. The mood here in Freetown is festive and raucous as Christmas house parties give way to block parties. The louder…
January 2009
Dear Friends and Family, R. is one of the three young children I work with at the Valley House. Together we read books, do art, practice math problems, write stories and listen to music. A 9-year-old third grader, he is all smiles each day when he climbs the stairs to the upstairs where we…
Lost Wallet, New Glasses
The other day, a completely normal thing happened. I lost my wallet. I was hurrying up from La Paz at night, carrying two grocery bags and my backpack, the one with the dysfunctional zipper, slung over my shoulder. As I hopped out to change buses, it started raining like a lost monsoon. I ran for…
January Prayer Letter
Happy New Year! I want to share about Lifestyle Celebrations. If you have checked out the WMF website or read The Cry you might be familiar with this term, if not, this will be a very rough and brief introduction to the matter, but maybe it will inspire you to research more for yourself! Word…
Advent Podcast 2008 – Week 4 – Chris Heuertz – Room at the Inn