Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Community Care Center Update
Dear Friends, Calendar Review: Where in the World are Chris and Phileena? Well, currently we are in Omaha. I take that back. Chris left this morning at 5am for Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Since our last prayer letter, Chris and I have been on the go. In June and July we visited WMF…
october 2008
October 2008 Dear friends and family, It seems this summer has flown by quickly and fall is here. This summer was a busy time for me while I worked LOTS and tried to do some things I'm unable to do during the school year. I was able to go home (my parent's house…oh Ron and…
back to school
October 2008 Dear friends, Thank you for praying during our September camp with 30 kids. During the week of camp God showed up in new and remarkable ways. I didn't feel ready to spend seven full days with all these youth and children, but that's where prayer came in and changed everything. If the highlight…
Bolivian Politics
So when the one-talent man gets his one talent, he's scared out of his wits that he may lose it and, instead of shooting for the moon, stuffs it in an old sock and shoots it up the chimney. Frederick Buechner A while back I promised you a letter about Bolivian politics, and this is…
October, 2008 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family, We are writing from Omaha, Nebraska where we are now settled into our new home and beginning to figure out what life in the USA means for our family. We arrived in Omaha on the 2nd of August and had a couple of weeks to settle in and get things unpacked. …
September Prayer Letter
Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you. Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me. (Is. 49:15-16) Dear Friends, Family and Community, I…
October 2008
Language study is almost a right of passage for missionaries world wide. Some take a period of time to study in a country before departing for their field. Some attempt to study "en vivo" living and learning from the people surrounding them without any formal education. And other enter school and study in a…
The Cry Vol 14 No 3
El Camino de Santiago By Phileena Heuertz “We see in these swift and skillful travelers a symbol of our life, which seeks to be a pilgrimage and a passage on this earth for the way of heaven.” (Pope Paul VI) On a brisk early morning in May, my husband, Chris, and I awoke to the…
April Folkertsma – Sep. 1, 2008
Dear Friends and Family: Summer is wrapping up here in Galati and as I write, it is hot hot hot! But as fellow staff member David said: I keep saying to myself, be thankful you aren’t cold! Ahhh, so true… And so, summer is wrapping up and with it our summer program which culminates in…
Vol. 14, No. 3 Suffering (Fall 2008)
Vol. 14, No. 3 Suffering (Fall 2008)