Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
April Folkertsma – Feb. 1, 2008
Dear Family and Friends, A couple weeks ago I was talking with my friends Jason and Kris about the almost 2 years they spent ministering in Australia, this after more than 10 years of youth pastoring in the states. And now, after so many years of ministry, the future seems a bit uncertain for them.…
Andrew Ulasich – Feb. 1, 2008
Dear Friends, I’m going to Nepal! Well, you know that, yes. But as I peruse the web for the best priced ticket from Los Angeles to Kathmandu, everything starts to feel a bit more real. It’s actually happening. In just a few short weeks, I am moving to Nepal. My schedule is as follows: February…
Looking Back, Moving Forward
January 15, 2008 Dear Friends, A year ago, I was in Southeast Asia on a trip with some Taylor students contemplating an almost-finished degree, an upcoming interview with Word Made Flesh, and the implications of contextualization in a Muslim culture. Today I purchased several international plane tickets; completed my six-month review with Daphne, my supervisor,…
February 2008 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family, We can't thank you enough for all of your encouragement and support in the past two months. We've been overwhelmed by your generosity. You've helped bring us to the threshold of leaving for West Africa. And… we have some good news! We have enough money in our support account to be…
Dear Friends, I see people suffering every day. Even when we aren't visiting with our friends on the streets or in children's homes, we pass by teenagers, families, and mothers with small children sleeping on the streets or begging change. When we do visit our friends, we witness the extent…
Let it snow.
Hi friends, I had a snowy welcome back to Romania when I flew into Bucharest on January 6, 2008. Not as much snow as we had in New Hampshire over Christmas, but certainly enough to keep me happy. Frost covered trees magically line every street, with each tiny branch covered in crystals. I'm smack in…
The best-laid schemes
Thanks to all of you who prayed for my family and I over Christmas. They slipped through the new visa process without a hitch, and we spent the next two and a half weeks in a lovely daze of Dutch Blitz and Euchre, touristy romps through island ruins, colonial towns, and prehistoric dinosaur tracks. I…
February Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, In the spirit of a new year, you have probably been looking back at your life and evaluating where you have been and where you are going. It is interesting for us, in a transitional country like Romania, to see how much changes from year to year. At the start of 2008, I…
Beggars Society: January 13, 2008: Chris Heuertz, Word Made Flesh Lifestyle Celebrations