Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Februray 2007 Prayer Letter
“I will praise You with my whole heart; before the gods I will sing praises to You.” Psalm 138: 1 This year, Christmas came early… We are thrilled to announce that the beautiful baby girl we were expecting arrived on December 5. And we praise God that Amani Maria Daniela Forcatto was born healthy, weighing…
February Prayer Letter
January 15, 2007 Dear Friends & Loved Ones, Happy New Year! 2007 here we come! ☺ I have officially completed one year serving in Lima and I am just amazed. Amazed and so thankful. In some ways it seems as if the year has just flown by but at the same time I cannot…
February 2007 Prayer Letter
Hey Everyone, What a start to the new year! By the time you get this, Chris and I will be back in Chennai, India for a children's home dedication. We're so thankful for the opportunity to go back and see the children as well as offer thanks for God's faithful provision…
January Preyer Letter
Dear friends and family, Greetings from Lima! We pray that this letter finds you well, trusting in God's promised presence, and living in God's love. We have been blessed with God's special presence in our lives in the past few months through the gift of our new baby daughter, Natalia Marie. “Nata” comes from…
February 2007 Dear Loved Ones, I recently realized that we often share a story or thought but rarely our daily activities, so we thought we'd take a few moments this month to catch you up on what we've been up to here. The last part of 2006 found us visiting the…
Noche de Paz, Noche de Amor
No one can celebrate a genuine Christmas without being truly poor [in spirit]. The self-sufficient, the proud, those who, because they have everything, look down on others, those who have no need even of God – for them there will be no Christmas. Only the poor, the hungry, those who need someone…
The Need For Senders
January 2007 Dear Friends & Family, This truly is an excited time for us in our life. We are not only getting ready to welcome our little girl into the world, in just a short few weeks but we are in a way birthing our ministry as well. We are in the final…
Sermons: January 22, 2007: George Fox University
Today. Today we began our morning with a time of worship, Scripture reading, and a half-hour of solitude in which we reflected on the past year of 2006 and the many ways God answered our prayers. He is faithful. (http://www.wordmadeflesh.com/countries/prayer_requests.php?country=Romania) Today I learned that both Alina (18) and Daniela (15) have chicken pox…
The Cost of Following Jesus
Matthew 8:19-20, “Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, 'Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.' Jesus replied, 'Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.'” I had the most wonderful time the other day. …