Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko

Jesus Wept By Rachel Dyachenko   I have a friend and colleague who once pointed out to me the shortest verse in ...

The shepherds’ song. Advent Day 23

December 19, 2011

*Originally posted December 10, 2011*  As I live in historically agrarian Eastern Europe, I notice that shepherds are usually either children or older folks. Stronger members of the family are responsible for more strenuous tasks. Flocks of sheep and goats are never fluffy and white, but spotted with mud and manure, emitting a repugnant odor. …

the joy of giving

December 19, 2011

This has been a year to seek color and beauty in unusual places. Many times I feel that words alone cannot describe my life here in Moldova, in a multi-cultural, missional community.  We serve in a hard place day after day where things simply have to be experienced to be understood. So, I invite you…

The Moon of Wintertime. Advent Day 22

December 18, 2011

A reflection on Matthew 11:2-11 Longing and waiting expectantly. Watching and waiting for whispered words of wisdom. Words of comfort and of grace. Yet a bleak sky and the untold cries of hundreds, thousands, millions do not leave me alone. Do not leave me in a solitude or the hope of silence this night. The…

Waiting for Epiphany. Advent Day 21

December 17, 2011

The image of “I thirst” that Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity (MC) have printed beside the crucifix located in Nirmal Hriday, her first home in Kolkata has been imprinted on my brain for a long time. In a brash “I’m 22 and I care!” moment I had the same phrase tattooed on my…

The Beauty of Contemplation, Advent Day 20

December 16, 2011

Historically, it’s the quiet, reflective, “holy” ones who write about the beauty of contemplation and long silent prayer with the Lord. Problem is, I’m not one of those types. Honestly, I’ll rarely have the luxury of days on end, alone & quiet. Nor do I hardly want that. My life is chaotic. I have 4…

Preparing Our Hearts, Advent Day 19

December 15, 2011

            Two nights ago, I woke up terrified.  I was having contractions. They weren’t very strong or very painful, but they were VERY close together.  I thought back to our Lamaze classes and tried to remember how far apart they should be.  Then shook Mache awake.  “I’m concerned,” I said. “Don’t worry, honey,” my…

From Control To Surprise, Advent Day 18

December 14, 2011

We have two conceptions of the future. One is how we normally think about the future. It is the time ahead of us. Although we don’t know what the future holds, we can predict the probability of events happening in the future by extrapolating the past and present. There are even scientists, called futurologists, who…

Poetry: Holy, Restless Anticipation, Advent Day 17

December 13, 2011

Stay right here a little while Stay right here my dear Hear me whisper to your heart And take away your fear For you soon will see An unlikely king And you soon will feel A flesh that will heal Oh, Divine, my Word on your lips Find refuge in a holy kiss Stay right…

Praises and Pleas, Advent Day 16

December 12, 2011

Are my praises as loud as my pleas? Now on His way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee.  As He was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him.  They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Mater, have pity on us!”…

Beggars Society 2011 Holiday Concert!

December 11, 2011

. Word Made Flesh is preparing to kick off an exciting new year of Beggars Society! . Join us Thursday 12/15 for the special launch event… . A 2011 Holiday Concert featuring Aaron Strumpel! All are welcome – no invitation necessary. You can RSVP and invite others on Facebook. We hope to see you soon! The…