Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
December 2006 In one day, I was forever changed. For nine months we prepared and planned and thought on what was to come, but not until that day, did I become so altered. From the beginning I knew and was linked with this tiny little being. But that hot, humid day at…
Christmas Prayers
December 2006 Dear Friends, I usually write a fairly long letter just before Christmas. This year I'm going to keep it short. The due date for this letter is hitting at a time when I am feeling ridiculously busy and tired. But that isn't to say I'm not looking forward to the season. I…
December 2006 “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news…” (Luke 2:10) We all know the scene well: the Christmas shepherds in the field are surrounded by a host of angels, the glory of the Lord shines around them, and their initial response is fear. Actually, my translation says they were terrified. …
WMF Peru Prayer Letter
Dear friends of WMF Peru, As a community we want to update you on the progress of fundraising for the proposed WMF Peru Ministry Center and to share with you some ways to continue praying for and supporting this effort. The WMF Peru ministry center will be the home for community activities. It will…
Slices of Heaven and Trout
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Revelations 19:7 I've experienced heaven on earth twice. The first time was at the 2003 Urbana Missions Conference. I know heaven'll be a lot than the 20,000 people…
November 20, 2006
Hello All! We wanted to write and update you on our progress to this point. On Thurs. afternoon we arrived safely in Boston, with a nearly perfect flight up (thank you for all your prayers through that!). Friday morning we began some preliminary testing, with an EEG, lab tests and a thorough meeting with the…
November 13, 2006
All your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children’s peace.
Beggars Society: November 12, 2006: The Irresistible Revolution – Shane Claiborne
Dreamin' Big
Dear Family and Friends, Greetings of cheery joy, comforting peace, and inspiring hope! A few hours ago I reentered the bustling noise and filth of Freetown after spending six days “up country” at a remote nature reserve. It was so refreshing to camp on the bank of river, canoe to see hippos, swim in deliciously…
Forcatto November Prayer Letter
October 2006 Dear Family and Friends, The countdown continues…today Adriana is 32 weeks pregnant and it is amazing how much the baby moves and kicks. Cora continues to put the new baby's clothes on her stuffed animals and is eagerly awaiting her little sister. Just a couple of days ago I spoke at the church…