Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
“I’m here and they’re still there.” Those were the words of my housemate one night in the small hours after a brothel visit in El Alto. Naturally a deep sleeper, I don’t know why the sound of soft sobbing at 3am woke me this time. I heard her brush past my door and asked if…
Lifestyle Celebration: On Intimacy (as Featured in The Cry)
In a beautifully intimate passage of scripture we read, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I [God] comfort you…” (Isa. 66:13) What could be more intimate than God identifying the Love of God as being like that of a mother who comforts her child? This issue of The Cry focuses on our Word…
Angela* grew up in a small town near Oruro, Bolivia with her parents and siblings. She would sell food with her mother in the mornings before school to help cover expenses. Each day Angela would return the pots to the house and change clothes before running to class. But one morning Angela’s mother was unable to accompany her…
Love in Her One-Room Home
This spring, I visited Vanessa’s* to share Sunday lunch and a rite-of-passage tradition for her toddler. She received me in her stepmother’s home, one of two living relatives in her life. I cut her toddler’s hair for the first time – the hair he entered this world with – which now designates me as…
The History of WMFB
The story of Word Made Flesh Bolivia is one of God’s faithfulness and grace, one where loved ones have come and gone and left their mark, one of perseverance in the face of disappointment, political turmoil, sickness, severe weather and tough living. But it is also one where Hope triumphs and each small step towards…
New explorations of an old theme
At WMF Peru, we have an increasing call to support women who are working in the sex trade and their vulnerable children. We long to respond to this leading by embracing and empower these families. We are in the process of developing both an intervention program and a prevention program. Prevention Our prevention program will address…
The Look Of Jesus
It had been a long time since we last visited the place where little Jesús was, and it’s certainly not a place where a three-year-old boy or, really, any minor should live — exposed to addiction, crime, every kind of violence, police intervention, and so forth. It’s been a while since I’ve heard anything about…
How God Transformed Darkness into a Beacon of Light
She showed up at our doorstep over a decade ago. We were young and inexperienced, innocently suspicious of the audacious stories she told. Terrified, she quickly and quietly told of a large web of prostitution and trafficking throughout the cities of El Alto and La Paz, surreptitiously known as “La Casa Blanca,” or “The White…
Flooding in Sierra Leone – A conversation with WMFSL Director Cami Goble
After some recent flooding in Sierra Leone, we sat down with Cami Goble our Word Made Flesh Sierra Leone Field Director to ask her a few questions. Word Made Flesh Sierra Leone is located in Freetown. What can you tell us about the history of the city? Designed by the British, Freetown was originally designed…
The Abusers and Other Things That Make Me Angry
I´ve been at a loss for words. Fluctuating between heartache and despair, anger and confusion, I’ve questioned our effectiveness, the possibilities of change and even God’s unfailing power. You see, we’ve known a family fighting to overcome layers of injustice and brokenness. We’ve walked with them and loved them, through triumphs and failures, large and…