Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


The Cry for Submission: Letter from the Editor by Emily Fales

Submission is a word that provokes significant discomfort for me. When I first saw that this was one of our lifestyle celebrations, ...

April Prayer Letter

April 22, 2009

 “So my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed.  I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.” Psalm 143:4 & 5 March 15, 2009  Queridos, There are some days in your life where you just can’t stop smiling.  Days…

Good Friday Prayer

April 22, 2009

The prayer for Good Friday is submitted by David Bayne of WMF Argentina. Have mercy on us, Son of the living God, Healer of lepers, feeder of the hungry, Releaser of the oppressed, bringer of wholeness, Christ crucified, Eternal God Have mercy on us. Help us to lay down our own lives daily, And consciously…

Remembering Surya – Born May 15, 1996; Died April 20, 2006

April 20, 2009

Although much smaller than other children her age, Suryakala, also known as Surya, held a huge place in my heart. She made a tremendous impact on me and everyone who met her. Her soft, quiet voice was sing-song perfect. Her eyes were beautiful and full of life. Her smile was tender, innocent and pure. Although her body…

The Cry Vol 15 No 1.7

April 8, 2009

That’s MY name “I’m a mommy!” you would probably hear our 2-year-old daughter exclaim, if you had the opportunity to spend time with her. When asked to eat something she doesn’t want to eat, pick up her toys, brush her teeth or do anything she doesn’t want to do, the usual response is, “But I’m…

WMF Gear: A Unique Way to Support the Mission

April 6, 2009

You can sometimes tell when someone is running a bit late when they are coming into the office. They might be running towards the coffee pot with jittery hands or they might have sleep marks on their faces. And sometimes they are wearing an Aaron Strumpel shirt or a TWLOHA shirt. Alright, I admit, it’s…

April Prayer Letter

April 1, 2009

Hello!  It has been a full week after Daylight Savings time and I am still having difficulty adjusting! There is more to this inability to have my internal schedule modified than I care to believe but I must not deny the coming of change happening all around me.  So, I will just go ahead and share it…

April 2009

April 1, 2009

Dearest Friends, It has been so very long since we’ve formerly updated you and we apologize sincerely.  So much has transpired in the past few months; it’s as though we’ve been groping around in a fog just trying to get our bearings.  Let us explain. Past Updates As you know, we traveled to the States…

April 2009

April 1, 2009

Dear Friends and Family, I had the chance this past month to spend ten days in Kathmandu, Nepal at the Word Made Flesh International Field Forum. It was a multicultural gathering of staff members from five continents committed to talking about the theology and praxis of international partnership. We were discussing, in essence, how we…

April 2009 Prayer Letter

April 1, 2009

April 2009   Dear Friends,   As I have written so often in the past, the timing of this letter is a bit strange.  By the time you receive this, Ana and I will already be married and off in another part of Romania for our honeymoon.  However, as I write today we are in…

Vol. 15, No. 1 Obedience (Spring 2009)

March 30, 2009

Vol. 15, No. 1 Obedience (Spring 2009)