Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Beggars Society: October 8, 2006: The Kingdom Erupting – David Chronic
Beggars Society: October 8, 2006: The Kingdom Erupting – Father Katongole
October 1, 2006 Prayer Letter
October 1, 2006 Dear Friends and Family, Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support these last few years. I have been humbled and overwhelmed by your sacrifice and generosity. Whenever I receive pictures, e-mails, or letters with updates from you, I am refreshed knowing that we are partners in this ministry. In…
October 2006 Prayer Letter
“Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.” Lamentations 3:22 October 1, 2006 Dear Loved Ones, We are so pleased to share with you that Cora's recovery has been smooth and quick. Thank you once again for all your prayers on her behalf. She was very excited to…
October 2006 Dear Loved Ones, We pray that you all are doing well. Since we arrived at the beginning of August, winter has come and gone. We enjoyed two or three weeks of wonderfully cool weather in the 60s! Each of us has a couple of sweaters and they were well used…
October, 2006 Prayer Letter
The following letter is written by Jose Luisa Palacios, Peruvian Field Staff for the WMF community in Lima, Peru. As the majority of the Peruvian staff receives their salaries through support given to the WMF Peru ministry account, they desire to express their gratitude through these regular communications. We hope that this can become a…
Happy New Year
October 2006 Dear Friends, This is the second month in a row with bad news. One week ago, as I'm writing this, Moise chose to leave the boys' home. He had stayed in the home far longer than any other boy, almost eighteen months, and left much healthier than the other boys, as well. Still,…
Electric Watermelon
October 2006 After six wonderful weeks in the States with family and friends, I'm back to life in Romania and having a time of it. Tonight I blew a fuse when I plugged my surge protector into the wall for my new computer. Guess it wasn't supposed to be used on…
God has heard the cry
I have indeed seen the misery of my people… I have heard them crying out… I am concerned about their suffering… So now, go. I am sending you…Exodus 3:7,10 Every Wednesday morning our USA staff celebrate Community Breakfast at Baker's house. We eat French toast and drink carefully rationed Starbucks. We talk about our…
Beggars Society: September 10, 2006: Discussion – Michael and Laura Alley