Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
A Tiny Taste of Ressurection
A Tiny Taste of Resurrection I want to tell you, my friends and family, my prayer partners and all who I coerced into receiving my letters, a short story. It has touches of a fairy tale. And I've always loved a good fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Angela[1]. …
Dear friend, It's come fast, I'm getting my bags packed and leaving Galati tomorrow for six weeks in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. My itinerary is in last months' letter, with the exception of specific dates for church visits. So here they are: Aug 6: Byfield Parish Church, Georgetown, MA Aug…
Beggars Society: July 9, 2006: In The Service of Life – Thomas Kelly
July 2006
Greetings from South Asia! I hope this finds you all well, with summer underway! We are enjoying the change of seasons here in Kathmandu. Things continue to be running smoothly here with our boys at Kripaa Sadan. 3 weeks ago our Pastor Ranjit and his wife Sarah opened a Bible school for the boys as…
July 2006 Prayer Letter
July 1, 2006 Dear loving family and friends, I have to tell you that it sure is great to live in a country with such a historical and strong soccer tradition. I'll give you an idea of the passion, expectation, excitement and joy surrounding Argentina's participation in the World Cup. Last Friday before Argentina's debut…
July Prayer Letter
Hello beloved friends & family! It was an absolute joy to be near you for those couple of weeks in June. I feel like I will always be wishing for more time with you all especially when there are so many of you that I did not get to see. Know that you have my…
For Mary
2006 June 15 Dear Friends, It was approximately 40 degrees inside the Casa de Esperanza. Chris and I had traveled to El Alto, Bolivia to be with our friends Andy and Andrea Baker who had just given birth to their second child. Andy and Andrea have lived in Bolivia for five years…
July 2006 Prayer Letter, WMF Peru MInistry Center Fund Raising
Dear friends, We want to take this opportunity to bring some exciting news before you. As many of you know, the WMF community in Lima has been praying through the location of the drop-in-center, named Casa Job by the very youth who visit us there, for almost a year-and-a-half. We closed the doors…
July Prayer Letter, WMF Peru Ministry Fund Raising
Dear friends, We want to take this opportunity to bring some exciting news before you. As many of you know, the WMF community in Lima has been praying through the location of the drop-in-center, named Casa Job by the very youth who visit us there, for almost a year-and-a-half. We closed the doors…
Broken Glass
Broken Glass I grew up in an old house. We had more room than we knew what to do with, but we always seemed to fill the space with something; for the Baker family, it was typically another toy for recreation. My grandparents used the space for storage. Living through the depression, they saved everything!…