Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
May Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, It's been a few months since my last prayer letter. In March and April we spent more time away than in Galati. We traveled to England where we met with some friends that are great advocates for the children in Romania. We were able to share in a church one evening,…
Dear Family and Friends, We call these things prayer letters. I need your prayers. I feel like that debtor in Jesus’ story who had been forgiven much but refused to forgive others (Matthew 18). I recently found out that our Word Made Flesh community has been deceived for the past five years by some of…
May 2006 Prayer Letter
May 1, 2005 Hey Everyone, What a year it's already been! By the time you receive this I'll have already made 11 trips out of Omaha and have spoken over 50 times so far in 2006. Though it's already been a demanding year, Phileena and I feel your prayers supporting and sustaining us. …
April Prayer Letter
April 1, 2005 Dear Friends and Family, I apologize for the delay in writing. I wanted to give you an update about three stories I shared in my previous letter and also to write about an upcoming trip to Sri Lanka at the end of March. I hope these updates will 1) share some…
April 2006 Prayer Letter
April 2006 Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from Omaha. Chris and I are busy preparing for the first ever Field Forum that is taking in Sri Lanka March 27-April 1. We will gather WMF leaders from around the world- both North American staff and national staff from India, Nepal, Romania, Sierra Leone,…
Sowing Eternal Seed
Dear Beloved Partners in Ministry, This month we are overjoyed to announce to you the birth of our first child! We know that many of you have been anxiously awaiting her birth along with us. To fill you in on all of the details, Anna Elizabeth was born here in Rio on February…
March 2006 Dear Friends, It was great to see so many of you while we were in the States over Christmas. Even though it is now March, the memory of the times we had in your homes and churches made us feel loved and supported. Thanks for taking us in and for…
March 2006
We returned to Bolivia in the middle of a cold rainy season. It was the first time Elias returned to the altitude since his encounter with HAPE (High Altitude Pulmonary Edema) last July. We were also concerned about Andrea being pregnant. Looking back, it was our easiest transition to the altitude ever.
The Hope We Learn to Live With
Dear Family and Friends, Today we are very sad here in Sierra Leone. My friends, Keith and Laura Padgett, have decided to return to the United States. By the time you get this letter, they will have gone. The Lighthouse* boys and girls are taking their departure very hard. They are accustomed to change, disappointment,…
A time of great blessing!
Greetings from Kathmandu! How Great is the God who sustains us. How great is His mercy. These days I am overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with the goodness of our God, and the ways that He proves His love to us. With the speed and capacity in which God has moved in and through our community here in…