Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
March 2004
Dear friends and family, This month's letter has a different font and format because I have had the unfortunate headache of a computer meltdown — my laptop has simply stopped functioning. Consequently I have lost a plethora of information, including all of your email addresses. Mailing addresses are still available to…
March 2004 Prayer Letter
It was a sultry afternoon in Bangkok. I left my room at the comfortable missionary guest house to visit the home of WMF missionaries, Rob, Twyla, and their two year old son Toby. Rob and Twyla live on the edge of one of the thousands of slums in this Asian city. We walked down…
February 2004
October was a turbulent time in Bolivia. Basically, a class war over the sale of Bolivia’s natural gas to the U.S. and Mexico led to nationwide blockades, riots and protests. In an attempt to regain control, the government militarized El Alto and eventually began open fire on unarmed, campesinos. Our friend, Marleni, told us of a bullet entering her house through the roof, fired from helicopters above, while she was at home alone with her children. In the end, President Gonzalo Sanchez resigned from office, and Vice President Carlos Mesa, stepped in. Since then, Bolivia has returned to normal, though not forgetting the nearly 100 lives lost in the Gas War. Our family, staff and Servant Team waited out the chaos safely in a small jungle town.
January 2004
“Brothers, pray for usthat the message of the Lord may spread rapidlyand be honored…” (2 Thes. 3:1) Dear friends and family, I hope you find enclosed a picture of me taken this past summer during a church retreat in the mountains. I've turned it into a prayer card so that you can…
December 2003
Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.”Luke 2:34 Dear friends, The Christmas season is upon…
December 2003 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, Greetings from Omaha. By the time this letter reaches you Chris and I will be well on our way to south and southeast Asia. We'll start out spending time with WMF missionaries who are pioneering a presence among the sexually exploited in Bangkok, Thailand. From there we'll journey to Kathmandu, Nepal where…
November 2003
“My peace I give you, my peace I leave with you.”~Jesus Dear friends, This is my favorite season of the year – the cooling air and smell of woodstoves, pulling sweaters out of the closet and eating lots of fresh apples. Autumn is a time of thanksgiving for me, looking back over…
November 2003 Prayer Letter
Dear Beloved Friends, Greetings from delightful Omaha in autumn. The temperature is cooling down and the leaves are changing color from green to yellow and red. The sky has been delighting us with the color of deep blue and changing cloud patterns. This is a nice time of year to be in town. At…
October 2003
“Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.”Amos 5:24 Dear friends, Enclosed I hope you find a picture of my group from summer camp. Each group took a turn putting on a skit and for my group's night we acted out the story of Esther from the Bible.…