Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
April 2003 Prayer Letter
Friends and Family, I hope and trust this letter finds you abiding in the grace and unfailing mercy of our King, Jesus. This has been a crazy year already… As you may already know, in January we were in El Salvador for the WMF Directors Forum. Following those meetings I was the featured speaker…
Spring Will Come!
“See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come.”Song of Songs 2:11-12 Dear ones, Hard to believe how fast the weeks are flying by. Before long, the winter will be past and spring will come. I can't wait! Coming…
“Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.” Matt. 20:34 Dear friends, A good portion of January I spent in the States, enjoying time with many of you and my dear family. My time was extended an extra week when I caught…
February 2003
We hope to open a “lugar de descanso” or a place of rest for these ladies, where they can be received with respect and loved as beloved children of God.
February 2003 Prayer Letter
Dear Beloved Friends and Family, Happy New Year! May this year be full of revelations of God and His goodness. Chris and I are doing well. In November we enjoyed visiting the WMF staff in Bangkok for the first time. They are studying language and trying to get accustomed to the culture. We also…
A Day in Galati
“Though the fig tree does not blossom and there are no grapes on the vine… yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my savior.” Hab. 3:17-18 Happy New Year, friends. Hopefully I will get to see many of you as I will be in the…
Visiting Lima, Peru
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed…Nothing will be impossible for you.” – Matthew 17:20 Merry Christmas dear friends! I write to you from Lima, Peru where I have been for two weeks in early November. In Lima they bring out the Christmas…
December 2002 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, This is the 6th year I've taught at Lakeview Bible College and Seminary (formerly Madras College of Evangelism). Each time I've come, I've spent time teaching students who are in their final year of their BTh degree (Bachelors of Theology). The students come from all over India and Burma and have been…
“My God will meet all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.” – Phil. 4:19 Dear friends, It's hard to believe how fast the autumn has come and is quickly turning into winter. It has been a cold October here in Galati and I have come to appreciate shelter…