Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
April 2001
Praises! Andy’s mother has finished her chemo-therapy and radiation for breast cancer and is doing great! We continue to receive overwhelming support from family and friends. We have felt so blessed, humbled and challenged by your generosity. Thank you for confirming our call. We recently attended an urban ministries conference in Chicago. We gained lots…
March 2001
In the account of the adulterous woman, Jesus reminded me, “I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven–for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.” Sin hardens our hearts and limits our ability to love God and others. As we seek to minister among the broken, our prayer is that we not overlook our own brokenness and corruption. Please pray for us, as we love those who He has called us to serve.
February 2001
Dear Friends, We hope and pray this letter finds you well. We would like to thank you for your continued prayers and support. The letters, e-mails and conversations have been a blessing to us as we look forward to the months ahead. Thank you for sharing life with us. A few weeks ago we found…
January 2001
Dear Friends, I wanted to share a little reminder the Lord gave me a few months ago. I was home alone and had been reading some disturbing stories about particular street children in La Paz. I read about girls caught in the midst of prostitution and abuse, and about boys caught in the cycle of…
January 2001
FUN Facts 0: The number of Word Made Flesh staff in Bolivia now 2: The number of million people in La Paz 3: The number of months before Andrea graduates 4: The number of hours our language school is from La Paz 5: The number of months before we leave 26: The average age of…
January 2001 Prayer Letter
One day there will be no more children on the streets. One day this will all pass.” -Luis, former street kid in Lima, Peru Happy New Year! We look toward this New Year with great anticipation for what the Lord will do for the fatherless, the orphan, and the widow. Like Luis, we look…
December 2000 Prayer Letter
Now you're here and you're more then we had dreamed of. Now your hear and you know we think the world of you. I thank my God who has answered our prayers and delivered you safe in his care. 'Cause now you're here. Close your little eyes, rest your sweet head, mom and dad will…
November 2000 Prayer Letter
Dear friends and family, I am writing this from an internet café in Calcutta-only hours before my team and I fly back to Kathmandu, only hours since I was surrounded by the flood waters of the devastated West Bengal countryside. As I sit here I am trying to put my thoughts together and write…
October 2000
Dear Friends and Family, The past few months have been very exciting for us. So many of you have responded with encouragement and love concerning our move to Bolivia this coming summer. We want you to know how much your support means to us. We have felt nothing but confirmation from God and His people. …
October 2000 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family- The past few years have been years of learning. Learning about God's heart for the poor, learning about God's heart for me, learning about my heart for God. It has been an incredible journey. As I look back I can see how far I have come. Where once I could not…