Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko

Jesus Wept By Rachel Dyachenko   I have a friend and colleague who once pointed out to me the shortest verse in ...

The Cry Vol 15 No 3.1

September 22, 2009

Insight Series: New friars or new monasticism? A theological reading of the signs of the times By Tom Kelly The Insight Series features guest writers who have influenced the philosophical identity of WMF. These theologians, scholars, writers and practitioners have had a role in shaping the vision of WMF. In this issue, Tom Kelly reflects…

The Cry Vol 15 No 3.2

September 22, 2009

Centered in belovedness By Mandy We often think community is the opposite of loneliness. When we want to avoid that loneliness, we hang out with people and fill our days with activities. But those times and events don’t necessarily qualify as community. Part of being in community is knowing yourself — being in community with…

Companeras y Companeros

September 22, 2009

Our WMF community here in Buenos Aires desires to be intentional about building community. One way we live out this longing is by setting aside time for what we call compañeros/compañeras. We’ve made it a goal to create space in our lives to be deliberately present for one another. Basically, it’s a time when two…

Int'l Day of Peace

September 21, 2009

Today (Sept. 21) is the International Day of Peace. Here are some related websites: http://www.internationaldayofpeace.org/ United Nations

The Cry Vol 15 No 3.3

September 21, 2009

Looking through the rough exterior By Rich It amazes me to see the fragile shell of defense that kids who live on the street create to protect themselves from the dangers of this world. Children as young as 8 and 9 put on a front of toughness and independence to shield themselves from the pain…

The Cry Vol 15 No 3.4

September 21, 2009

Communities aren’t static By Wes Goertzen Why, after all the costly grace that we continually receive and occasionally dole out to build a community, do its members (now our friends) have to leave with such frequency? Should community be thought of in the same way as the fraternity of the United States Marines? Once a “Fleshie”…

The Cry Vol 15 No 3.5

September 20, 2009

 Following our friends By Chris People often ask me variations of the same question. It goes something like this: “How can you all continue to see so much suffering and not be overcome by it?” I usually respond with a few comments about how various temperaments make it easier or harder for some of us.…

The Cry Vol 15 No 3.6

September 19, 2009

                Dreaming about community By Amy Hupe In some ways, starting a new field feels very much like forming an identity: discovering who we are and what our voice is. Like an individual, a field has relationships that feed it positively, speak life into its identity and help…

Letter From the Acting Editor

September 18, 2009

Today in the WMF Omaha office the Community Care Center (Amanda, Hilary, Phileena and Silas) is having a meeting downstairs. Marcia is clacking away on her keyboard, sometimes talking to herself out loud. Jara is in the next room playing “Don’t Stop Believing” on repeat as she works on design. Michelle and Cesia are working…

Feast of the Cross

September 15, 2009

Sept. 14, the Feast of the Cross was celebrated in the Christian liturgical calendar.  This feast is an opportunity to reflect what the cross means to us.  On Easter we celebrate the Passion of Christ and the suffering He endured but on this feast day we have an opportunity to look solely on the cross…